Twitter Updates for 2009-06-12
- When did the witching hour move to 5am? Two cats, two kids awake and demanding attention at 5:20am. Again. This needs to stop, somehow. #
- Wow I saw over 100 cyclists on the Off-Broadway bike rte today, typically dozens. Welcome to the One True Way of commuting! #
- So is this an apparent pandemic or a structural pandemic? #h1n1 #roft #
- As a result of the early morning I’m pressing the “caffeine” and “sugar” boost buttons early. #smarties #
- Serious fires in Coquitlam. #News1130 reports initial fire has spread to 2 other locations. Note: We’ve had no rain for 2 weeks+ #
- RT @WendyNordvikCar Driver caught with mannequin on Burnaby HOV lane [Wait, *Transit Police* can pull you over on the hwy?] #
- Stop the world! ♫ #
- Maybe @kenhardie can comment on GVTAPS enforcing traffic laws on Hwy 1 (according to: They have jurisdiction there? #
- RT @KenHardie: @AnthonyFloyd Yes they do. As police officers they have the authority, mandate + a duty to enforce laws in community [Huh] #
- Vancouver to implement 30 kph speed limit on bike routes. Will there be enforcement? Otherwise, pointless. #
- Did you know Vancouver has a bicycle hotline? 604-871-6070 or Too bad they’re not on Twitter @mayorgregor :) #
- Me: I’ll have a grande sig. hot choc. Her: Sorry, don’t sell them now. Me: Why? Her: ’cause no one orders them on hot summer days. Me: blink #
- So, if I understand it correctly, no one orders hot drinks from Starbucks in the summer. I wonder why their cold drinks steam so much? #
- RT @CacheAdvance: Wow! The East Coast Trail in Newfoundland has some 360 geocaches hidden along it! [next vacation?] #
- Speaking of puns, just heard the lede for As It Happens. Great writers there too. #
- Just got honked at and almost run over for COMING TO A STOP at a stop sign. FREAKING CARS! Good thing VPD is cracking down on bikes #asshat #