• The day started poorly. 8am telecon where the first slide had "utilized" on it 3 times. Speaker actually said "used" then corrected himself. #
  • New fire manual at work. Under section for "new employees" is: "Become familiar with fire." Uh, no, I don't want them playing w/ matches. #
  • Turns out the portable speakers whose jack I resoldered 3 times don't actually work unless powered. My faith in multimeters is restored. #
  • Animated gifs on G+ are enough to keep away from it. Far away. #dontgottimeforthatshit #
  • .@cogno Congratulations! #
  • Really? The journalism environment is THIS fickle? RT @jstrocel: "Dog Kills Local TV News Writer!" http://ow.ly/5CEzR #
  • Q starts D-1 by getting up at 5:50am. Me: "Why are you up so early?" Him: "We're picking up the RV today!" There is some excitement here. #
  • Hey folks, I'm tweeting mainly at @FloydsGoBad for the next 3 weeks while our family goes on vacation. See also http://www.floydsgobad.net #
  • .@Ambient_Skater Not everyone that follows me will want to know about the vacation. This way, it's all opt-in. #
  • We're off for three weeks! This account will be mostly silent and the family will be tweeting from @FloydsGoBad (last time, I swear!) #
  • Crossed into Alberta and turned on the radio — @jannarden is playing. Is this required by law? #
  • Picked up 43 caches today! Yowza. #bestofthebad #geocaching #floydsgobad #