• According to @van_twop_1000 I've been 4 years on Twitter, today. Huh. So many tweets, so little content. #
  • There's an absolutely fascinating piece about Stuxnet on CBC's The Current right now. Listen to the whole thing here: http://t.co/F2WXNXHz #
  • Taking the kids out parasailing … uh, I mean geocaching. Must remember to tie the ropes to them tightly. #windomg #
  • Just confirmed that after 5 yrs, one of our caches was muggled. Disappointing. #geocaching #
  • Also, it seems our trusty Garmin Vista CX will no longer acquire any satellites. #geocaching #
  • Off to find the next #geocache http://t.co/1a17lAYi #
  • It's the last dinner of #dadcamp and we're having leftovers. Or, as I like to call it, "hide the evidence". #
  • Racing The Train #latergram #dadcamp http://t.co/mDdp0djA #
  • While @gwenfloyd is flying across the continent, I'm watching Mayday on Discovery. One of my favourite shows, it's all about air accidents! #
  • I've been known to watch it *while flying*. I'm mildly surprised that they don't censor it from the in-flight entertainment systems. #
  • RT @bobsandlolo: ShamROCK – March 17!! Tickets available online @RaspberryKids! Pls join us! #
  • Pro tip: When sending a cover letter for a job application, please ensure the company you're applying to matches the one in the letter #fail #
  • 5 minutes of awesome: @NathanFillion, @thesamdaly, @timmydaly, and Lex Luthor with hair. http://t.co/jttGKJot #
  • Aw man, @thekerplunks are playing tomorrow's CBC Radio Toque Session, sold out. How did we miss that? #inmylegounderwear @CBCEarlyEdition #
  • On the plus side, the showers quickly turned into flurries on my ride to work today. Brrrr. #bikeyvr #
  • I refuse to acknowledge meaningless coincidences of improper date formatting. #14032012 #
  • Book Warehouse in Vancouver confirms it's shuttering the rest of its stores: http://t.co/ADlTbkCx #yvr #
  • RT @smuttysteff: @IanAMartin @AnthonyFloyd Officially announced on Facebook now: http://t.co/OkTYxQjG #bookwarehouse #yvr #
  • We're having an #awkwardpause on this telecon. #
  • Holy crap, copying a lot of people in a Tweet doesn't leave much (any) room for content. #OTCTU #
  • Someone should set up a http://t.co/c9xT3eiI page for this thing. #OTCTU #
  • You guys are killing me here. #OTCTU #
  • Some really smart, practical re-use ideas http://t.co/KnnKoHug (via @_CanadianBacon_) #
  • Pro-tip: If you're going to shave yourself a soul-patch, make sure it's centred. #hipsterfail #
  • Vancouver's microclimates always astound me. Pouring rain downtown? Blue-sky and sun here in Pt. Grey,10 km away. #otc #
  • We kissed him as we put him on the train, & we sang him a song of times long gone, though we knew we'd be seeing him again. #poguesFTW #otc #
  • Maybe I'm being picky, but the province we live in is "British Columbia", not "British Colombia" #ResumeFail #
  • .@aidanfloyd's video review of @carouseltheatre's "A Year With Frog and Toad" is now up on Youtube! http://t.co/9XEuqmol #
  • The kids' video review of @carouseltheatre's "A Year With Frog and Toad" is now up http://t.co/9XEuqmol #
  • Um, yeah. Late to the game on this one, but it astonishes me how intuitively kids can use an iPad. Astonishing. #
  • I've been told I'm not getting it back. Ever. #ikids http://t.co/wfQdvDul #
  • Here's a new one for me: Q somehow removed the roll from the middle of a paper towel roll, without messing up the roll. Now what? #
  • "It’s upsetting … that I like a lot of the people [on] Twitter … more than ppl I’ve known for yrs" http://t.co/Xffl82tw (via @findchico) #
  • Registration for the Pacific Populaire is open now! http://t.co/1shCaESg #bikeyvr #
  • Jeez, the geese are noisy and aggressive today. That time of year, huh? #granvilleisland #
  • The goose mob @ Granville Island http://t.co/fXXo0Q2t #
  • So one of my unable-to-remember-his-own-email-address internet doppelgängers is now unintentionally sending nude pics to me. #ThisMustStop #
  • Catching up on Survivor. What. The. Hell. !? The whole tribe of men are clueless. Seriously? Choosing to go to Tribal? Dumb, dumb, dumb. #
  • OMG. This just gets worse. Is there a more repulsive person than Coulton? OMFG. #survivor #classless #asshat #
  • Sigh. Another 3 hr preschooler nap "ruins" a weekend afternoon. #dadcamp #
  • A little teeter-totter after the theatre showcase! @ Granville Island http://t.co/JVH76vGD #
  • Teeter-totter partner @ Granville Island http://t.co/K0unfw7i #