July 2006

Anthony on , , 22 Jul 2006 07:58 pm

(A true-life Calvin & Hobbes moment…)

Hey, what’s that sound in the kitchen? It sounds like potatoes …

Mommy! Daddy! I’ve rescued the garbage bags!


Daddy, what are you doing?!?

Well, OK, but I think they look better on the floor! That does it, I’m outta here!

I simply cannot be seen with you!

Anthony on , 20 Jul 2006 07:42 pm

OK. We have our first observed sighting of Aidan taking independent, free-standing steps. Two of them, left-foot, right-foot. I bet he didn’t notice.

I sure did. Sadly Momma didn’t but I’m sure this is the beginning of the end.

Not much to say. It happened yesterday, after I got home from work. He wanted to get from the couch to the entertainment system, and instead of plopping down and crawling the short distance, he let go of the couch, *walked* the two steps, and then held on to the glass door of the entertainment system. I doubt he thought about it.

Clearly this is an indication, though, that he *can* walk, when he choses to do so.

It hasn’t happened again, but we’re keeping the video camera charged just in case.


Gwen on , 20 Jul 2006 03:19 pm

As some of you may know there is not a lot of yard space in Vancouver. In fact most people do not have any yard and just have a balcony. This means that there are not a lot of pools in which to dunk your toddler in the blazing heat. Well, I guess that I spent the best five dollars of my life. (Except maybe the cat basket I bought for a buck, but that is another story.) I bought a blow up wading pool.

Now usually a blow up anything will take forever to inflate and leave you breathless. This one took only five minutes and that was while taking care of a 16 month old and a 12 month old. The boys have enjoyed the wading pool in my living room for a few days (dry of course) and I wasn’t sure if it was going to be very good with water. Until today.

I put the wading pool on our tiny balcony, put less than an inch of water in it and Aidan crawled into it right away. I think that he has spent an hour and a half out of the last two in it. It is small enough that he can crawl over the sides and with the small amount of water he was very happy to splash and play without any worry. He was also cool.

Now, how do I get the water out?

Gwen on , , , 19 Jul 2006 02:04 pm

This week I started to sit for Gen as she went back to work. Tristan has been very good and there haven’t been too many tears. Both he and Aidan have been napping but just not at the same time. They have been playing together quite well with not too many fights. I even think that Tristan will stop stalking the cats soon. The only thing that I have been worried about for a long time is the naps.

Naps are my down time. The time I get to do the really decadent things in my life. You know those things that make you life much more comfortable. Yes, I am talking about getting something to eat, a decent cup of tea, and the most decadent of all . . . I get to go to the bathroom . . . BY MYSELF!!!!!! So you must be guessing that the last two days might have been a little, . . . well (sigh) tiring. Yes I must admit that I was incredibly tired last night. So tired that I told Anthony the choice for dinner was either he or I go and get Wendy’s. (He didn’t complain.)

Of course all this was made much more difficult because Aidan had to go and get himself a head cold. This meant that Monday night he was up every hour wanting to be breastfed to clear his nose. Last night we gave in and I also bought a warm humidifier and Dimetap infant drops for stuffy nose. And guess what, Aidan slept till 4:00 am. (Good thing Anthony and I went to bed at 9:00 pm.) It took us a while to get him back to sleep and I was all to happy to dose him again.

This morning when Tristan came he had decided to also get the cold and kept his parents up all last night as well. At least it made both the boys tired. I took them out to play in the playground and brought them back for lunch. Gen came and put Tristan down for his nap and when she left I fed Aidan to sleep.

So, now they are both in the same room and asleep at the same time. And what do I do? Do I get the time to do the decadent thing as mentioned above. No I blog. :) Excuse me while I go to the bathroom. Alone. (Woo Hoo!!!!!!)

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