August 2006

Anthony on 20 Aug 2006 09:12 pm

Flugtag: n. German for “Flying Day”.

On Saturday afternoon, Carla & Tomer and the three of us joined some 50,000 people down by Science World for a Red Bull sponsored Flugtag event.

The event consisted of many teams of people, from right across the country, driving various shapes and sizes of human-powered vehicles off the end of a pier into False Creek (ewwwww). The “goal” was to fly the longest distance. From the several entries that we saw, “flying” was a generous term. Here’s a one picture from the day … I’ve uploaded a bunch of other pictures to Flickr as a way to evaluate Flickr.

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Anthony on 20 Aug 2006 09:09 pm

Ugh, Aidan has a cold again. By extension, *I* have a cold too. I never get colds, but for each one that he has had, I have become sick too. Ugh.

Satuday was Grandma Kathy’s birthday, and she had breakfast with Aidan. Well, sort-of. She got the commentary over the phone anyway.

Here’s the video for the same.

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Gwen on 13 Aug 2006 10:30 pm

Something we hear a lot at our house: Anthony says, “Aidan, where’s Mommy?”

Aidan and Anthony, False Creek Elementary School

We went walking and stumbled upon a small playground one day. I brought Aidan and Anthony back here to play. I am not sure that Aidan liked his first time on a tire swing. It was funny seeing Anthony try to maneouvre in and out of it though.

Aidan did however love the slide. It was on a slight hill and he could, with our help, climb up the slide and then go down on his own.

Aidan went down a couple of times on his bum, but he preferred to go both up and down on his tummy.

Wow this looks steep. It is amazing what you can do with camera angles.

Too bad you can’t see all the dirt. He had a blast though. “Catch you later Grandparents.”

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Gwen on 13 Aug 2006 10:03 pm

Aidan never does anything half assed. He is teething again. This time it is two molars and an eye-tooth. All. At. The same time! This doesn’t make for a restful weekend.

Friday night I was sure that Aidan would be asleep in no time because he was tired, a little bit frantic and he got up before 7 that morning. This usually means that he goes down really easily. Not this night. I am pretty sure that he woke himself at least three times before midnight. This was when we decided that tylenol, and some dimetap for the stuffy nose might be in order. While it may be really easy to give Aidan medicine when he is awake, when he is tired and has woken himself up a few time it is a disaster in the making. Aidan still had a hard time sleeping. It was about this time that we figured out how many teeth he was trying to get out at once. He woke another few times during the night and we were all exhausted on Saturday morning. About 10 am we refound the oragel. Aidan was quiet for a full hour. Sigh, why didn’t we remember it the night before?

Saturday we spent mostly looking for glasses for me. It is always difficult and the pair that I like best is $529 just for the frames. Most of the hip glasses are not for my face at all. They make it look rounder than it should and really much older than I want to look. I think I have a couple that might work but we couldn’t keep going with Aidan because he was very quickly becoming “Tantrum Boy.”

On Sunday we got up later than the day before and didn’t do too much. Well Anthony cleaned out the filing cabinet, shredded three garbage bags full of paper and file all the bills and other paper that was hanging around the front table and computer desk. Oh we also got our new camera. Anthony found a nice camera very much on sale and got it to replace our small digital camera that was lost/stolen from our luggage at Christmas-time. So I had a chance to play with it a little bit. I will be posting some pictures a little later. I am also planning to take some pictures of me in some frames. Maybe I can get some comments on which pair to get.

Anyway, after playing at the park, eating supper and a bath Aidan was very tired and went to sleep without a fuss. Keep you fingers crossed for a good night.

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