August 2007

Anthony on , , , 24 Aug 2007 12:50 pm

Aidan has developed the habit of needing bedtime songs, his favourite being “Baby Beluga” right now.

The following is perhaps not quite appropriate for bedtime, but is absolutely hilarious, sweet, and a little bit bone chilling as I contemplate things to come…

(seen on Parent Dish)

Anthony on , , , 23 Aug 2007 07:32 am

Aidan (while eating breakfast, suffering serious jet lag and having been up since 2:30 AM, and therefore having watched a lot of TV this morning): Watch more baby crack?

Me: …

What have they been teaching the boy while we’ve been apart?!?


OK, I know, it’s been 3 weeks since anything’s been posted.  Between the vacation and the forced Mythtv upgrade (serious time zapper) things have been busy.  I intend to recap the vacation sometime in the next few days.


Yes, I know that you can’t reach the Funnyfarm right now.  I don’t know why.  I’ll try to troubleshoot that in the next few days too.

Anthony on 05 Aug 2007 04:34 am

geocaching.gifDifficulty: High

Success rate: Low

Maybe it’s not for us.

Anthony on , , 02 Aug 2007 04:52 am

OK, on the sleep thing, we didn’t make out so well last night. The boy woke a little bit pretty much every hour, and his level of wakefulness increased each time he woke.

By midnight, he was fully awake again.

Gwen brought him into bed with us tried singing to him. His response was:

Mommy! No singing! Stop it! Enough! “N”-“O”! No more!

Yes, he spelled out “no” to make sure she got the point.

Later, he struck up a conversation that went something like this:

A: Mommy, what sound does a horse make?

G: When a horse is asleep, he sounds like …

A: What sound does an elephant make?

G: When an elephant is asleep, he sounds like…

A: What sound does a rhinoceros make?

G: … (stifling laughter) …

A: What sound does a pirate make?

A: “Arrrrrrrr!!!!!”

Fortunately we got him back into the crib with another bottle (oh, he’s going to be wet this morning) and he seemed to go to sleep after that. I hope we can get him to sleep soundly earlier tonight!

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