March 2008

Anthony on , 29 Mar 2008 04:40 pm

OK, mostly well now. But holy hell? The weather recently? Crazy.

I mean, look! There are cherry blossoms! And snow!

Here’s a shot in the other direction. Look at the size of the flakes!

Further, we’ve had daytime thunder and lightning (unheard of in Vancouver!) and hail for three or four days running.

500 cm of base on the local mountains.

Hello? Spring?

We’re ready.

Anthony on , , , 26 Mar 2008 09:31 pm

End of day 6.  Work’s told me to stay away until the two people leaving for Paris have left.  Still sick anyway.


But I get to hear gems like:

“Still sick daddy?  Feeling much better?  Feeling a little better?”

“Take your temperature, daddy?” — He’s actually become quite good at taking my temperature with the ear thermometer.

This one really got me:  After being told that he was being silly, he says “I’m not silly, daddy!  I’m funny!!!”

Anthony on , , 25 Mar 2008 04:53 pm

Oy.  It’s Aidan’s birthday today.  I’m on day 5 of the flu.  Easter was effectively cancelled.  Aidan’s birthday has been … subdued.

In the fog of fever and the haze of constant turmoil that is my digestive tract, it’s hard to believe it’s been 3 years already.

Thought we’d be celebrating, maybe out riding our bikes, etc.  Instead, Aidan’s a bundle of energy and Gwen & I are exhausted and/or sick.  Oh well, sorry bud.

Anthony on , 16 Mar 2008 07:50 am

Full diaper, no ketone smell, another 100 ml of milk right out of the gate.

I do believe that was ‘the corner’ that we rounded, back there.

Now to deal with the disastrous mess and mountains of laundry before the parents catch the bug.

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