Last night was Lynn’s “Going to Depot” send-off. We arrived when the party was in full swing, owing to the commute from UBC to “North Delta” and the incredible traffic on the East-West Connector.
Lots of friends were there to wish Lynn well. The party was held in the party room in Lynn & Hendrik’s complex, and it was plenty large enough to hold the crowd. There were a number of young ‘uns there, and Aidan hit it off well enough. As the evening went on, he flirted with everyone there, and outlasted all the kids … continuing to crawl around, chasing me all over the room. This wasn’t a small room, and he chased me for a good 10-15 minutes, so we expected him to be all tuckered out last night.
Well, he zonked out pretty quick in the car. Of course he woke up when we got home, but Gwen eventually got him back down. And then the night. Oy. I think I got 5 or 6 hours sleep, and hardly any of it contiguous.
He’s running a really low fever (maybe) today, and continuing to be cranky. Teething and maybe a little bit of something else. At least we’re justified in keeping him hopped-up on Baby Tylenol tonight.