February 2006

Gwen on 22 Feb 2006 07:29 pm

Well you guessed it, Aidan has finally succumbed to a sickness. It has started out as a really stuffy nose and a little irritability. Now it has blossomed into a stuffy nose, irritability, tiredness and a sneeze followed by projectile vomiting. Luckily (and unluckily) he was in my arms and not in his bed when it happened.

I was just putting Aidan to be after supper (he ate well and was falling asleep in my arms) and I put him in his crib while I got everything ready. He was changed, the music was on and I just picked him up to turn on the outside light for Anthony. Then it happened. He mewed (a little like Andromeda does) sneezed and threw up. You should have seen his poor face, he didn’t understand why this was happening. At least he threw up on the tile . . . and on my hair, my shirt, his suit.

I took off his suit, my stuff threw some towels in the front hall and left a note on the door for Anthony. We then took a shower and Aidan just cuddled with me. Anthony came home just as we got out of the shower and took care of Aidan while I got the floor cleaned up. (I guess it is only fair since Anthony takes care of the cat box and cat vomit.)

Aidan seems to be feeling much better but very tired so he is already in bed and asleep. Hmm, I don’t think this is the way I want to get him in bed by 7:30 pm.

I will keep you posted on his recovery and I had planed to post some pictures from his music class. I will probably get to it tomorrow. Love to all.

Gwen on 18 Feb 2006 02:58 pm

Well, today Andromeda and Dianthe went to the vet to get their shots so Anthony had the cat treats out. He put some in their cages when we were going home and only Andromeda was calm enough to eat them. So when we got home, I took out the leftover treats and put them on the shelf ion Aidan’s room for Anthony to give to Dianthe. Unfortunately they didn’t get fed to the cat and I didn’t pick them up. Silly me.

Aidan was in his room and even though I knew he wasn’t asleep I wasn’t worried because he was not crying and his crib is safe. Anthony went to look in on him and guess why he was quiet. Yup, you guessed it. Aidan was eating the cat treats. Of course Aidan didn’t get more than one but I think that Anthony was a little miffed with me. It might just be that Anthony is really tired though. (Aidan woke up several time last night after going to bed really well at the beginning of the night.)

On the bright side maybe this is a way we can get more protein into Aidan. They have to be ok, right?

Anthony on 16 Feb 2006 08:30 am

Gwen has cleared off two shelves in our living room, the bottom now has (had!) a bunch of Aidan’s toys and the second had a bunch of his books. This morning, he (of course) took everything off the shelves, but then sat and played quietly for almost a half hour … flipping through his books “reading”. Hopefully we can keep the interest in book up for … oh the next 20 years!

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Gwen on 12 Feb 2006 11:37 am

I did recover enough to go back to class on Friday. Aidan was more comfortable with everybody and decided that he needed to visit all the babies since they couldn’t come and visit him. It is interesting to note that all the other babies seemed to love him and were rolling over (those that could) to see him better. Aidan also got a few fingers in the face, but he was really gentle with the others. We also had aerobic steps around a set of gymnastic mats and Aidan decided that he would also visit the mommies as well. He can push himself up with anything now and is also starting to climb.

I am not sure how much of the proper exercises I got to do but I did get to chase after Aidan quite a bit in between them. We will see how it goes next week.

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