March 2006

Gwen on 05 Mar 2006 09:16 pm

Aidan has been eating solid foods for a while now without any problems. He is now almost a year old and he should be getting ready to eat more table food and leave the baby puree in his dust. However, Aidan still spits out almost all “table foods” except for cereals. He loves cheerios, puffed wheat, crackers, bread, even pizza crust. As long as it is crunches he seems to like it, but anytime he eats our food, eg. pasta, cubes of meat, potatoes, cut up fruit, he chews it and then spits it out or just throws it on the floor. We are starting to get a little worried and we need some advice on how to get him to start eating our food.


Gwen on 05 Mar 2006 08:58 pm

Sorry this has been so long in coming. I know that I promised them at least a week ago and I did try a couple of times but Aidan is just so darn tiring now that I have been napping when he finally goes down. The one day I suppose I really could have blogged was the day last week that Anthony stayed home, but that was because I had a migraine and I was drugged and slept all day. (You know that wouldn’t have happened with only myself and Aidan at home.)

So with out further ado:

This is my music class. Aidan and I have gotten to know some really cool babies and parents.

This is Aidan, Tristan and Genvieve. (Who happens to be a childhood friend of Andreanna’s, as we found out on Wednesday.)

This is Aidan and a shaker. He really likes to shake and drum.

Anthony was at the last class and Aidan really seemed to like having his Daddy there to play and sing with. We need to find a good class for Anthony and Aidan on a weekend. I am sure this would be good for both of them.

Anthony on 01 Mar 2006 08:13 pm

Yes, we’re still here. I know we haven’t updated much recently. No, I’m not sure why, and I don’t know where those photos are that Gwen promised, but I’m sure they’re coming soon.

In the meantime, I present three things I find cute this week:

  1. Aidan will now crawl over to you and lift his arms to be picked up … when you call his name and ask him to “Come to Daddy”
  2. Aidan will offer you things now. His remote control for the mobile (which is no longer attached to the crib for its own sake) is willingly offered to an outstretched hand, and will also willingly take it back after Daddy has had some play time of his own with it. Mind you, he also offers me Cheerios, but just as he’s about to put it in my mouth, he pulls it back, giggling with excitement and eats it himself.
  3. Aidan is becoming a little more cuddly. When he’s tired now, and especially at night in the dark in his room just before putting him into his crib, he will put his head down on your shoulder. Mind you he’s equally as likely to throw himself back in your arms, beat his fists on your chest, pull your ears, pull your chest hair (um, well, my chest hair), and so on … but really he’s never been cuddly, so I see this as a positive step!

Well, that’s it for now. Until next time Faithful Reader.

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