OK. So, with the desktop computer running so well, any time I’ve been on the computer, I’ve been trying to work. If I’m not able to sit at the computer, then … well obviously I can’t blog.
So, I know I haven’t finished posting about the vacation. I’ll get another post out tonight and try to wrap it up early next week.
The sciatica: I’m not in any pain, but I’m still numb up and down my left leg, and half my left foot. I went for a little walk yesterday, and a bit of a longer one today. I’ve got a doctor’s appointment tomorrow and afterwards I hope to make it into work (by bus). Hopefully, with the doctor’s approval, I’ll commute by bus for a while into work and equally hopefully the sensation (and muscular control) will return to my leg.
The walk today involved taking Aidan down to the park to get some daylight pictures of him in his Monkey Costume. Being the experienced toddler he is, he walked all by himself down the hill and one block east to Oak Street before we put him in the stroller. He sure likes walking by himself and not so much in the stroller. Oh well.
We went down to Charleson Park and took some shots of him playing in the leaves. Sadly, we swept through the leaves first to make sure there were no needles. Oh well. Anyhow we got some nice shots. Here are a few, and more can be found in the Photo Barn.
Monkey suit is as cute as the dinosaur suit. Waiting for a doctor’s report!
Love Mom, Grandma Kathy and Mother in law
The doctor didn’t have anything surprising to say. Extended my Celebrex prescription, a scrip for an x-ray (don’t expect to see too much), and a scrip for physio. I’ll go to physio a few times to get a refresher on the exercises, but that’s about it I think. I went into work this afternoon, and while the walk was tiring, and the muscles in my leg are sore due to my shuffling gait, I think I’ll try it again tomorrow.