Twitter Updates for 2009-03-19
- RT @kaplanmyrth: If @TweetDeck had per-group msg popups, it would rule. I want to put closer contacts in 1 grp + have pops 4 just that grp #
- More wisdom from Rick Mercer (re Harper) “…stick to the truth – this is not a campaign you’re running, it’s a country.” #
- Yowza, cool lids! RT @rkymountainkid: Really want my own nutcase: #
- Improv Everywhere is *awesome*. Check out their subway art opening: #
- If Mike Howell (Vancity Courier) felt ostracized before, he’ll be complete shutout now! (via @stv) #
- Anyone have a link to video of that great #Canucks goal last night? #
- Shots fired 100 block of Drake at 7:30pm. Casings found, nothing else. Getting kinda tired of this. #
Umm. Ok. Not sure that I like this style. tweets are for Tweet deck and twitter. I find it hard to follow the various topics brought up in this manner.
Hmmm, the idea is that people not following @AnthonyFloyd on Twitter but who have subscribed to the blog get some sense of what’s happening in life. I’m not 100% sold on it myself, but since blogging has become so sporadic, I wondered if this might be helpful.