Twitter Updates for 2009-04-09
- RT @bcalmanac BC-STV. Has its time come, or is first-past-the-post right for B.C.? We debate it on today’s show at 12 noon on CBC Radio One. #
- Argh! @Tweetdeck got rid of unread tweet count *and* spell check. Why, why, why? #
- Yay! 95 minutes of network troubleshooting. The joys of working at a small company. We *need* an IT person. #
- OK, found some time to listen to the Jian Gomeshi / BBT -*thing*-. I’d love to have seen/heard what happened after the camera turned off. #
- In other news, there’s no way I could host Q. I’d have lost my patience and temper pretty quickly. #
- Here’s my take on STV in just under 140 characters: (next tweet) #
- BCSTV: Rank all candidates. They need set # of votes 2 be elect’d. Go dn your list: if cand. hasn’t rec’d enough votes s/he gets yours! #