Twitter Updates for 2009-04-29
- RT @CacheAdvance: & many other Groundspeak services will go offline at 7:00 PM PDT for a server move #
- Another gorgeous ride in. Sunny, 14C == max enjoyment! #biketowork #
- News1130 reports Calgary’s AHL farm team has rec’d approval to move to Abbotsford! #
- Local technophobe author wants an online presence. Trying to talk her technophobe DH out of doing it himself. Any YVR referrals for job? #
- OK, maybe “completely and utterly useless” was bit over the top. I with draw the hyperbole. #
- Apparently I put myself unknowingly in the middle of a religious war. Stepping away from keyboard, will try to avoid velocidal drivers. #
- Coolest use of Youtube that I’ve ever seen — and it involves #geocaching! Try to find the cache! (via @jshults) #
- It’s @CynicalDad’s Nameless Twitter Radio Show and he’s already played Edie (Ciao Baby) for @LeftCoastMama! #
- What Canadian pop songs have been released in both French and English? I can think of two. Care to guess? #
- I mean, I’m sure there’s more, but I can think of two from the 80s/90s… #
- And maybe there’s some Celine Dion that’s been released in both, but I refuse to go there. #
- OK, fun music-filled night but I’ve got to run into work to pull some samples from an oven :( #
- The two songs, not that anyone cared, that I could think of were “L’affaire du Moutier” by The Box, and “Hélène/Helen” by Roch Voisine. #