Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-19
- RT @RickMercer: When Harper said he wasn't running a deficit in 2009 he was already 6 billion in the red. Shocker. #
- Why do we allow our politicians, and indeed our highest office, to LIE to us? Where's the accountability? Where's the integrity? #cdnpoli #
- – Today's bike ride with Aidan is 30 km round trip to Stanley Park! #
- Back from awesome Thanksgiving ride to Stanley Park. 3 pm is too late for lunch, too early for supper. Solution? PIE! #
- In 3 days we've put about 55 km on the new bike and Trail-A-Bike. I guess the boy likes it … and shares his father's #wanderlust #
- Late to the party, but I want to be a member of the #LoyalOrderOfKnightsOfTheCurve (#LOKC) too! #KarLagerfeldIsAnAss #
- Rather than emaciated, @EmmeRogers reminds us that #CurvesAreSexy (and normal) #
- RT @newfiehun @AnthonyFloyd Pie is the solution to many, many things. [Urp. At least 3 I can think of: Breakfast, lunch, supper] #
- RT @rhh: "Nova Scotia’s 3 CPC ridings getting more stimulus cash than the other 8 put together". *Totally* a coincidence #
- RT @rhh: Peter MacKay's riding getting more than all 5 Liberal NS ridings combined. #cdnpoli #
- RT @tararobinson: So thats what all that black smoke was from… #yvr #coalharbour #fire [Great shot!] #
- RT @krisjoseph: VANCOUVER TWEEPS: Check out Nick Di Gaetano's clown show, "Inclement Weather", this weekend at UBC: #
- Increasingly frustrated with the Canadian public. It's becoming clear there's never been a gov't more corrupt than the Harper Gov't #cdnpoli #
- How the #CPC can maintain a 40% poll despite Harper gov't corruption is a sad commentary on public's view of the #LPC + Ignatieff #cdnpoli #
- RT @dadcamp: DadCAMP 2 is coming up on Saturday. Will be giving away an HP A646 portable printer. RSVP now! #
- OH: "I'm *trying* to get the freakin' track cleaned up". Angst and a lack of self-censoring from our 4.5 yr old. #
- RT @TweetDeck: RT @mashable: TweetDeck Adds New Notification System and New Follower Column – [Nirvana!] #
- About the only @Tweetdeck feature that is missing now is to have an "Ungrouped Friends" column instead of "All Friends"! #
- Oh, and the other @Tweetdeck feature that would be handy is a mute button to temporarily turn off all notifications #
- Since becoming a Dad almost 5 years ago, my emotional tolerance for "bad things happening to kids" has been acutely diminished #BoyInBalloon #
- That's it. Can't watch video, too much chatter on Twitter. Going dark for a while. #
- RT @dougsymington: Hope the wee balloon dude is ok. Meanwhile there are *many* 6 year-olds in your own communities in need of your support #
- In skimming through my Twitter stream, it's readily apparent who has kids and who doesn't. Some of you childless ppl seem pretty heartless. #
- RT @BreakingNews: BULLETIN — MISSING BALLOON BOY FOUND SAFELY. [Awesome. Whew. Now, what happened?] #
- And, of course, I'm sure @BreakingNews meant that #BalloonBoy was found safe. Well, I'm sure he was found safely too, but that's secondary. #
- RT @jaypiddy: If I was six and let that ufo sized balloon of my dad's fly off into the sunset. I would have hid too. #balloonboy #
- Twitter Lists! Now we need @Tweetdeck to synchonize its groups with Twitter lists! #
- RT @IanAMartin: @cognoscento I'm following you playing Quinn's Quiz. @CBCVancouver #
- Frackin' #Rogers. 2 months since I canceled my phone service and they're still billing me! On hold w/ billing 3 months running! #RogersSucks #
- I think at this point the #CRTC will be getting a letter. Un-freaking-believable. #RogersSucks #
- Watching @donttrrythis and the guy with the 'stache and beret on Craig Ferguson with a cranky toddler on my lap. #Mythbusters #
- Dark, slick leaves, and rain // Cycling to my work // Fall in Vancouver #twaiku #
- RT @timbray Tear down the Vancouver viaducts! [via @kaler] #
- Someone in USA who shares my name has been applying to universities. With wrong email accounts. Yes, plural. Hint: Uni might not be for you. #
- I mean, seriously. He's given wrong Gmail *and* Yahoo addresses to a number of universities. Either he hates me or is new to teh intertubes. #
- This person has looked at Kaplan University, The Art Institute of Pittsburgh, ECPI College of Tech, and Colorado Tech U Online. #
- Really? Online technical universities? Getting your own email address wrong? A clear demonstration of natural selection. #
- The biggest problem with the @Twitter lists is going through hundreds of tweeps to categorize them. There needs to be a better way. #
- Ha! Stephen Harper's response to being challenged about spending only in Tory ridings: "So?" (paraphrased) #cdnpoli #arrogant #corrupt #
- Who's coming to the pumpkin patch with us tomorrow? #dadcamp #
- RT @gmarkham: Dear #LPC: I'm lifelong Lib voter who will abandon you if you back business over citizens in anti-spam bill #
- Let's raise a glass to @DixonTam on his last night as a wild bachelor! Slainte! #
- Oi. The #dadcamp'ers had better have gumboots. Oh great, now I have @TheKerplunks "Gumboots" song going round and round… #
- – Pumpkin patch in the rain and mud #dadcamp #
- Thanks to @buzzbishop for organizing today's #dadcamp at the pumpkin patch! A bit wet and muddy, but — meh — that's Vancouver! #
- Great meeting @stv @karlwoll @_EricLowe @jaypiddy @buzzbishop @kylerstorm at today's #DadCamp. DadCamp 3: Giant's game 15 Nov 5pm. Join us? #
- Congrats Dixon and your bride! RT @DixonTam I do. #wedding #
- Now that we've returned from sloshing around the pumpkin patch … the sun has come out. Ah Vancouver, you're so fickle in the fall! #
- Didn't take many photos at #dadcamp but I like this one in the corn maze: #
- Freaking Windows driving me nuts this morning. We use Messenger to webcam btw grandparents, kids. Latest version unable to webcam. W.T.F? #
- Search Google, turns out many, many people have same issue. For months. No response, fixes from MS. Typical. iChat for Windows anyone? #
- Wow, overwhelming support for Skype. I'll push that option and see how we do. Thanks @gnb @buzzbishop @zenfish @kabutar #
- Witching hour and wife announced she's going down for a bath. Seems like payback, but for what? #dadcamp #
- Of course, it *could* be that I'm never home at witching hour (at work instead) so … you know … it's my turn … #
- Decided to put some music on to try to quell the witching hour behaviour. Let 4 yr old choose the music. The Weakerthans? Really? Weird kid. #
- I wonder what the correct technique for drinking wine out of a tumbler is… #
- Doesn't look like I'm making it to the photowalk. Nuts. #
- Going through my following list, putting tweeps into lists. What happened to @tofufighting? No tweets for months, no blog updates… #