Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-14
- Gearing up for the first sub-zero ride of the season: -4. At least there's no snow/ice on the road! #
- Thanks to the miracle of modern textiles and layering, I arrived at work toasty warm and invigorated #BikeToWork #
- On a related note, I see the @cityofvancouver has moved to salting the roads with brine instead of rock salt. #
- In the end, it's really only the lawyers that benefit (Music copyright holders sue CRIA for $60B, in Canada) #
- Giddy about new client. The sort of place that would make me think long + hard about moving to the US; they're as bleeding edge as we are. #
- Except much, much cooler. #
- RT @laurict: McCartney tried Beatles: RB "I lost 2x .On easy. I was playing bass, I’m ashamed to say. It’s all red & green & yellow buttons" #
- Spinning silently // rubber wheels meet frozen road // carrying me home #twaiku #
- RT @GPSFix: – A shot of the Geocaching – Active dashboard on the Map Page. [New Oregon f/w; that screen rocks!] #
- I don't know why the folks behind "Canada's Worst Driver" haven't set up driving schools for the public, doing the challenges. $ to be made! #
- The "Smart Baby Case". Words fail me. #
- VPD why don't you do any traffic enforcement? On tonight's ride: 1 car, 1 pedestrian, and 2 bikes all blatantly ignoring red lights #anarchy #
- RT @Nunavut_Teacher: It is -20 Celcius where I am today. What is the temp. where you are? (Class experiment) Need 20. #
- Whoa. Facebook? If that's "simplified" privacy settings then … you're suffering collective delusion. #
- Good luck to @buzzbishop as he gets ready for his @ampcalgary debut at noon MST #
- The Weather Network (always pessimistic) has forecast as much as 40 cm of snow for Vancouver this weekend…. Uh-oh. (h/t @mozy19) #
- Note: On Twitter, as in life in general, context is so very, very important. #DuctTape #LaceUndies #
- YVR drivers: Turning hi-beams on + pulling into my lane when I'm coming at you only makes me angry. You should not be surprised at my words. #
- It should be equally unsurprising that, now blinded, I'm unwilling to yield my lane + pull off into the icy debris on the side of the road #
- I'm actually a little disappointed my earlier convo w/ @tjrossignol and @alexishinde didn't get me any #ducttape or #lacyundies follow-bots #
- There ain't no party like a west coast party, 'cause a west coast party don't stop. 6 toddlers + parents testing that theory this morning. #
- Yes I know I can "turn off" the bar. I don't like that I have to, it doesn't always stick, it doesn't always work, + I don't trust it #
- has a poll on best fake CDN political twitter acct. @fakesteveharper is absent, reinforcing my idea that it's not a fake acct #
- According to a @CityOfVancouver presser, the brine on the roads is a trial on bike routes. 1) It works quite well, 2) I've seen it on non-BR #
- Must say that I've been quite impressed with @CityOfVancouver's treatment of the bike routes this fall. Leaves + ice much less of a problem #
- Now if only @cityofvancouver could do something about the idiotic drivers. Like, how about some traffic enforcement? #
- Just when I think that my opinion of the #cpc couldn't get any worse … Laurie Hawn opens his mouth. It's McCarthyism all over again. #
- More Twitter pals trying to pull me into the darkness that is Facebook. The truth is that I don't get Facebook, but I'll happily friend you! #
- Thinking about going to the VanDusen Festival of Lights this Saturday night with the kids. Snow forecast, Saturday night. Are we nuts? #
- The number of Buffyisms I've seen on Twitter tonight make me wonder what kind of crowd I've fallen in with. Actually, you're all pretty cool #
- XKCD rocks. Latest one: parenting and geekery (be sure to read the ALT text) #
- For the first time in a very long time, I agree with my government: Cabinet overturns CRTC + allows @WINDmobile to enter the CDN cell market #
- Dear @CityOfVancouver; Salting the bike routes = good! Gunning the spreader as I pass, showering me in rock salt? Not cool. Also, ouch. WTF? #
- RT @canadaliving: Dr Peter Watts, Canadian science fiction writer, beaten and arrested at US border #
- Re: last tweet. *That* is why I have no sympathy for the US journalist who was *gasp* ASKED QUESTIONS at the CDN border. #
- Here's what it feels like to be treated less than human when you dare cross the US border: #
- A whole host of followers today from Vancouver. Weird. Where did you all come from? #yvr #
- RT @jaypiddy: Good luck to all the #12x12yvr participants. Wish I could have joined in on the fun.  [Ditto] #
- while not 1: bastards.wearDown(you) # Illegitimi non carborundum. (Tweet 10000!) #
- And, yes, I'm aware it's a nonsense phrase. "Noli nothi permittere te terere." is roughly the correct phrase. It doesn't have the same ring. #
- Back from VanDusen Festival of Lights. Went at right time, weren't too many people. No snow, but ponds were frozen! #yvr #xmas #
- I get so frustrated w/ Windows. 1.7 GB RAM in use, no progs running. Clearly something has gone sideways, but no way to know what. Reboot. #
- Snow has reached downtown YVR. Panic will set in in 3… 2… 1… #
- Cleaning up wife's laptop. Apple, you ignorant pig. Why was the "MobileMe Control Panel" installed along side Safari, iTunes, etc? #NoIPhone #
- I don't know what's happening at @muppetsstudio, but The Muppets are rejuvenated again. Carol of The Bells is awesome #
- Aw, I feel bad after discovering real tears after mocking my 1 yr old's fake cry. #BadDad #
- On the other hand he's magically transfixed by the amazing falling snow. #MomentsToLiveFor #
- Finished Xmas tree hunting. Wasn't much of a battle and Hey! didn't fall off the ladder. Now to assemble it. Biggest challenge yet to come. #
- Everytime Max shrugs, drink. Everytime the narrator says "Whoville", drink. #XmasSpecialsMadeSpecial #
- So the green guy started with a heart 2 sizes too small, then ends w/ one size too big. I dunno if eating roast beast is the best idea … #
- Well, @LeftCoastMama is still lighting the tree. It's unclear if I'll need to go out THIS year for another string of lights or two. #
- Operation Light'Em Up enters its fourth hour. Mind you there've been interruptions for naps and supper. Upper third of the tree to go. #
- So she's reached the last string of lights. Upper quarter of tree still unlit. This is going over as well as you might expect :p #
- RT @LeftCoastMama: You may commence the mocking now. I am headed out for more lights for our Xmas tree. [At least *I'm* not going for them] #
- .@cognoscento I'm pretty certain no one can explain Sephora to me. #NaturalIsBeautiful #
- I know you're all breathlessly waiting for this: RT @LeftCoastMama: – Et voila! #