Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-21
- Wow, some very good prank sites today: and @davidakin is probing link btw the two #cop15 #canpoli #
- RT @kady: okay, so, uh, is this real? (…) not exactly in the usual release format [Wow, not exactly gov't language] #
- If that presser on is fake ( then they either have someone on the inside or have hacked EnviroCanada @kady #
- Snow flakes lightly fall // Winter breathes into the city // White blankety goodness #twaiku #buffyisms #
- Do you like mashups? "A Very Bootie Christmas 2" is out! #
- The Santa Conundrum: A trilogy of posts from @curiousdad #
- Simon's Cat (@simonscat) is great for cat-ppl. Dog ppl probably don't get it. New vid today: (runs 1:21) #
- There is a very confused #UBC snowplow/salt truck driving around campus. 1) No snow anywhere. 2) No salt in truck. #snowmageddon #
- Dear @Tweetdeck: The New Followers column, while interesting is supremely borked. My latest follower is, apparently, me. #
- Score! A freezing rain warning issued for Vancouver! Wonder how our awesome drivers will handle that? #
- OK, snow (big fluffy flakes) has started at UBC. Time to get the bike out of Dodge. #
- Cut it close, but ride home was relatively uneventful. Snow's very wet. If it freezes tonight, it's going to be an ice rink. #
- Never has there been a Canadian government more selfish, corrupt, and cowardly than our current government. I am ashamed at their actions. #
- The Conservatives demo their contempt for the CDN public and our system of government by considering prorogation AGAIN: #
- I hate the prevailing attitude in ALL our politicians that is "we're not bad, but THOSE guys are worse!" So tired of negativity. #cdnpoli #
- Instead of finger pointing, griping, and calling each other names, how about working to be a positive force for change? #cdnpoli #
- Why do I always forget about the "No feeding of trolls" rule? :( #
- Yeah, so, Canada's Worst Driver wasn't a surprise at all. But the idea of her being back on the road? Terrifying. Watch out Sudbury. #
- Anytime I worry about the accuracy of our simulations at work, I look out the window, check the weather, and realize we're better than THEM #
- $418000 for an average house in Toronto. $622000 for an average house in Vancouver. I have no idea how we're supposed to "get into the mkt" #
- CBC Radio reporting someone has driven an SUV into YVR. Got a flight out today? It's gonna suck getting on it. #
- Via @ggiannakos: A truck just came smashing through the airport in reverse about 15 feet from where we were. #
- Another pic from @ggiannakos [Funny, I don't see any tasers, are we sure this is YVR?] #
- The first flight of Boeing's 787 will occur this morning ~10am PST. You can watch it live here starting at 9:40am PST #
- The 787 first flight video feed is live. ZA001's first flight likely around 10am PST #787FF #
- Awesome that Boeing has included the ATC chatter on the #787FF webcast #
- Wow, crazy listening to ATC manage all the helicopter traffic surrounding #787FF #
- Alternative feed of #787FF from KIRO helo: #
- ZA001 taxiing in 2 minutes to flight line #787FF #
- Boeing 001 Heavy Experimental now cleared to taxi #787FF #
- ZA001 is just finishing its taxi to the end of the runway. First flight moments away. #787FF #
- If you want to watch the #787FF, try CNN, KIROTV, KING5, SeattlePI, and so on. Lots of cameras, helos, bits flying out #
- T-33 chase planes airborne, overflying Paine field. Big show is about to start #787FF #
- Boeing 001 Experimental HEAVY cleared for take-off #787FF #
- Boeing 001 Experimental HEAVY (ZA001) is … AIRBORNE! #787FF #
- Happily the 787 first flight was complete and utterly uneventful. ATC chatter indicates ZA001's just climbing up above the cloud deck #787FF #
- Repairing a b0rked SVN merge by hand. If you told me I'd be having this much fun today, I wouldn't have believed you. #
- #YYJ folks: If you look SE at about 7000 ft you might catch a glimpse of #787FF right now! #
- One of the more distracting things today: Watching the #787FF on FlightAware #
- Canada's new cell provider offers the BB Bold w/o contract #
- RT @KIRO7Seattle: Boeing: 787 is landing early due to weather. Chopper 7 is up again for landing, live video: #787FF #
- Estimated #787FF landing at 1:22 PST, in the pouring rain at Boeing Field (BFI) #
- #787FF landing live-streaming: It's on final approach now, 6-7 minutes to landing #
- Boeing 001 Experimental HEAVY is cleared to land #787FF #
- Boeing 001 Experimental HEAVY (ZA001) is back on the ground! Congrats to the folks at Boeing on a great first flight! #787FF #
- What a pretty landing, absolutely perfect! #787FF #
- Local business, who I won't call out yet, has been serially following and unfollowing me. #TheyDontGetSM #Fail #
- Dexter Season 4 collected on DVR. Season 3 acquired in slightly more than 1 hr of pushing bits. Then we realized we've only seen S1! Nuts. #
- The @WindMobile plans look awesome. Wish there were more phones, but can't wait for them to come to YVR! #
- Wordies: I'm drawing a blank here. Need one word to describe complexity that's between "simple" and "complex". I.e., moderately complex #
- .@iheartthatdance OK, Byzantine had me in stitches, but look at the thesaurus on that gave me "intricate" which is almost perfect I think #
- On the heels of yesterday's news about house prices in YVR it's no surprise YVR is most expensive rental market too #
- RT @CrunchyCarpets: RT'ing I need help donating some LeapFrog Tag Readers!!! (YVR area) #
- RT @flightblogger: Why didn't Mike Carriker raise the 787's landing gear? #787FF [Frankly, I'm surprised this was a Q] #
- When journalists forget a closing parenthesis I get lost trying to find the end of the parenthetical. Often can't finish the story. #
- In related news, it's interesting how big companies are still struggling with social media #
- RT @trishussey: And the winner's are @NetChick & @AnthonyFloyd! Tanya was drawn 1st so she picks the visor clip or headset. Yay! [Thanks!] #
- Watching the Tony Parsons retrospective. I bet the other local stations are just rubbing their hands in an….ticipation #
- OK, who broke Twitter tonight? #
- The federal gov't trying to set our copyright laws by locking us to int'l treaties rather than in Parliament #cdnpoli #
- Has there ever been a Canadian government that has tried to destroy Canadian values more than Harper's gov't? #cdnpoli #
- Twitter is ruining my online communication skills. Tweets I compress, removing extra words. I find now w/ emails I have to *expand* them #
- RT @sassjordan: all i want is a new version of Firefly PLEASE [Awesome] #
- Information *is* beautiful. A balanced look at the climate change argument? (h/t @badastronomer's blog) #
- Well Q discovered a very effective way of letting us know it was time to lower the crib mattress. So much for perfect record for crib falls. #
- Pick-me-up for the day: The As It Happens Complaint Choir #
- Related: Radio personalities should almost never be seen in public. The real deal hardly matches what you think the voice should look like. #
- Politically-minded cousin of mine (Hi Paul!) suggests a FB app to allow people to vote (fed elections, etc). This frightens me … #
- I agree that we need to engage the disenfranchised but would it trivialize the process? But maybe better than completely disengaged? #
- RT @LauretteIAm: I hate things that say "Mom-Approved." Why not just PARENT approved? #
- At the Stanley Park Bright Nights tweetup #
- – Waiting in line to get on the Bright Lights train #
- Great seeing @tjrossignol @alexishinde @604homesguy and kids and family at the Bright Lights tweetup #
- Back from tweetup, errands run. Now for putting Q to bed + eating fish & chips as requested by A. Highly rec'd the Windjammer Inn 15th/Main! #
- Going to take advantage of the unexpected sunny morning by taking Aidan out for the bike ride he's been asking for the past month #XMasInYVR #
- 20 km ride with Aidan this morning on the Trail-A-Bike. The Central Valley Bikeway is *nice* but confusing at Science World… #
- 5 dozen Snickerdoodles. Check. #XMasBaking #
- RT LeftCoastMama: Heading out to Stanley park for the carol ride. Should be fun! [Note: carol ride. Not Carol ride. Pervs.] #
- – We had a front seat for our horse-drawn tour of Stanley Park! #
- Aidan reminds everyone that as of right now, there are 7 sleeps until Boxing Day #KidsAreWeird #
- Also, if he tells you I locked his sister in the closet, please keep in mind … he doesn't have a sister … #KidsAreWeird #
- A slow lazy Sunday means receiving packages from the mail carriers in pyjamas. At 1pm. #
- Not even the Sally Ann wanted our working 24" CRT TV. "We only take LCDs now" !!! #
- I understand LCDs are all-round better than CRTs but it was a *free* working TV. I wonder if it would be different in another city? #yvr #
- No prob I say to myself, I'll search for articles written by @gillianshaw over past few days. Apparently something @vancouversun can't do. #
- The "advanced search" page *does* have an "author name" box, but it does little more than take up space + frustrate customers #vancouversun #
- Oops, Survivor spoilers appearing. Time for Twitter blackout. Later Tweeps. #
- Jury votes are so very perplexing. There's no way Natalie should have won #Survivor. #
- At least we got the boys' presents wrapped, so then night wasn't a complete write-off :) #ItsOnlyAGame #