• OK, judging from the timestamps our last DMs crossed paths in the ether. Tomorrow @ Steamworks or Thursday @ LibSq? I'd lean towards Thurs #
  • Dear pick-up driver: Gunning it b/c you think you can make it vs stopping for 3 seconds at the frakin' stop sign *does* make you an #asshat #
  • I don't know why everyone's so surprised by the cougar attacks in BC. Haven't you been to Whistler? #CougarTown #NoNotTheCats #
  • Have you thought about attending my Geocaching 101 for YVR Tweeps? (Jan 23rd, 2010) http://bit.ly/5Uv2fW #
  • New low for bike commuting in YVR: physical intimidation and death threats. #
  • I'm putting on a Geocaching 101 event in YVR later this month. Does anyone have a @geomatejr I can borrow to demo to 20-30 ppl? #
  • Thanks for the RTs on my Geocaching 101 @SlvrLambStudios @marcmcpherson @IlusElu @goliphant @alexishinde @policemuseum http://bit.ly/5Uv2fW #
  • So when they bring in the body scanners, will they relax the other stupid rules? I.e., can we bring things onto the planes again? Please? #
  • Two airports shut down today in US. 1 b/c honey in pop bottles, other b/c of suspicious luggage … owned by the airport. #TerroristVictory #
  • If this is what air travel is turning into, imagine the fate of *space* travel. #
  • Sigh. The building doesn't have *leakages*. It has leaks. #BigWordsDontMakeYouSoundSmart #
  • Pardon my cynicism but those posts about your trip to $FAR_AWAY_Place don't include a disclaimer that your trip was paid for. #hypocritical #
  • RT @moneycoach: As only Rick Mercer can say it: http://www.rickmercer.com/blog/index.cfm/2010/1/5 #
  • Can we put Eberle on the Olympic team? #
  • Both boys up at 5:30. This is a half hour later than the past two days but today they didn't go back to sleep. What up with that!? #NoSleep #
  • RT @moneycoach: When Harper says he has a different opinion than "the opposition", what he means is: he has a diff opinion than most Cdns #
  • Wow, at least 4 easy FTFs have just come up in the Burnaby Foreshore Park … for anyone who wants to take an early lunch in Burnaby #gc #
  • "Aircraft" on Big, Bigger, Biggest tonight on Nat'l Geo HD right now. #EngineeringGeekBliss #
  • OMG. *That's* Chevy Chase now? #PeoplesChoice #
  • Crazy hearing Hugh Laurie talk in his "normal" voice. Jarring. #
  • Hey, did you notice that full beards are making a comeback? #LookingForwardToBeingHip #PeoplesChoice #
  • RT @jonathancoulton: Vancouver is happening! Thursday Feb 25 at the Rio Theater. Tickets go on sale tomorrow: http://bit.ly/6v7It8 #
  • Vancouver is completely BATHED in pink light right now. Surreal. #
  • Wow, the GMail theme that shows you the current weather (Tree) has been really confused these past few weeks. Lightning right now? Really? #
  • Have I mentioned how happy I am with @gpscity? Order placed and shipped in less than 1 hour, comp'd upgrade fr ground to 2-day FedEx. Rock. #
  • Awesome. Just used "prorogue" in a commit log. #PoliGeek #
  • Back from a little tweetup. Finally met IRL @gregeh and @jnarvey, good convo with @cognoscento + @petequily, and met debutante @fuzzcatmusic #
  • Aw missed a very interesting discussion last night on the social media scene in YVR w/ @danudey @gusgreeper @trishussey @Kimli @cognoscento #
  • Just bought tix for @jonathancoulton's Vancouver show. Wow, Ticketmaster sure takes you for a ride. $20 in extra fees tacked on. :o #
  • RT @jonathancoulton: Actually, I think Ticketmaster has a moviestar personally deliver your Vancouver tickets on a satin pillow with a mint. #
  • Well, holy crap. My @gpscity order arrived this morning, less than 24 hrs after placing it. Wish all online ordering was that efficient. #
  • I'm sure I'm sharing Harper's surprise that ppl are protesting prorogue now. When he shutdown Parl. to avoid non-conf. where was FB group? #
  • Heading up Cypress Mountain to remove an ammo-can geocache before the 2010 Olympics ISU does. Are you coming to GC101? http://bit.ly/5Uv2fW #
  • I forgot to thank @yoyomama_van @kidscbc and @604homesguy for #FF shout-outs yesterday! Doh! #
  • Two almost-5 yr old nuclear meltdowns before 7 am, one at 3 am, one at 6:30. Today is shaping up to be EPIC. #
  • .@Seanfunk How much do you want to backup? Dropbox is great, provides local syncing, 2 GB free http://bit.ly/8lxFuF (affiliate link) #
  • In line to see Avatar (IMAX) at Riverport. Can barely see theatre doors, 1 hr early! #
  • Discovered something slower than the line at UBC Tim's: movie conccession at Riverport #
  • So, thoroughly enjoyed Avatar but really, really confused why all of you enjoyed it. I mean, it's sci-fi. When did sci-fi become mainstream? #
  • Can't wait for the "how we did that" documentaries for Avatar. I'd love to know how much of it *wasn't* CG. #
  • I kept watching, looking for shots that could have been done without CG. The shots with the Na'vi, all mo-cap ala Gollum? Something else? #
  • RT @johnbiehler: Vampire Aliens in Space are the next big thing methinks [Only if it's in 3D!] #
  • The # of babies born to YVR tweeps in the past 2 weeks has been unreal. Congrats to @bebe_lala @seeking_balance @helenavan + @barblicious #