Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-08
- And now back to our regularly scheduled Twitter programme #
- RT @yvrairport: March 1st dawns over the Olympic Rings @yvrairport (via @trishussey) #
- The Twilight Drive-In opens this weekend! Unfortunately, the movies aren't great. #yvr #
- RT @BobsandLolo: Last minute booking alert! We'll be in Burnaby this Saturday! Pls help spread the word – #
- In a sign of what I assume is residual exuberance, I saw a #16 @translink bus with "Go Lions Go!" on the front. #OlympicHangover #YVR #
- RT @EatsShootsEdits: i just saw Russian Olympic people on the street… i think they are afraid to go home #
- Dear advertisers: SD commercials on HD channels are just sad. Doesn't do anything for whatever it is you're promoting. #
- 9:30 (Q), 10:30 (Q), 12:30 (A), 2:30 (Q), 5:!5 (Q) When someone asks why I've gone zombie, this is when a kid woke up + needed attn last nt. #
- ZOMG The most awesome video you'll watch this year. Trust me. #OKGO #OneShot #RubeGoldberg #
- Shiny! New CrossOver 9.0 for Linux (and Mac) today from @codeweavers. Will this finally end my Outlook2k3-on-Linux woes? #
- Our company's accountant demonstrates ongoing incompetence: T4s delivered today (late) after getting them wrong yesterday (also late). #
- Aidan has decided he wants to go to Alaska. Best I can tell is "because we might see some interesting things there". O_o #
- Anyone else remember the Canadian "game show" "Just Like Mom"? Quinlan recreates the mess those kids made every morning for breakfast. #
- Crystal ball shows upcoming business trip to Israel for a week. Mixed feelings. #
- Congrats to both @thekerplunks and @bobsandlolo for their Juno Award nom! Independent BC Children's Artists represent! #
- RT @anndouglas: The irony; the irony. "Canadians want their Government to do what is right, not what is popular." #
- Whew. Almost had an intnat'l incident. Nearly forgot to include "Northern" when referring to the country Belfast is in when sending a quote. #
- In Air Canada's ongoing war against its customers, after May it's no longer accepting cash for onboard purchases. (via @raincoaster) #
- RT @gnb: An open letter to the City of New Westminster wrt unsafe conditions for cyclists at Columbia + McBride streets: #
- Speaking of riding bikes for the first time in a while (well, it was @_EricLowe) have you kept it up @alexishinde ? #
- RT @bcbusiness: Today is National Grammar Day: #grammarday [Huh. Expect particularly irritating pedantry today!] #
- Dear people discussing rewording the Canadian anthem: it's "in all our sons command", not "in all our sons' command". #GrammarDay #
- In other words, it's not the sons doing the commanding, it's the aforementioned God. So a modern rewording would be "in all of us command" #
- Oops, actually God has nothing to do with that line. Got my wires crossed. Still, the sons aren't commanding. :p #
- Actually, it seems we're imploring "Canada" to command true patriot love into us. :D #
- .@axexishinde @gregeh Hey look at that! I completely messed it up. :) You're right of course. "In all thy sons command". Duh. #
- Every time I think the Cons are a humourless unreasonable lot I find a @stephen_taylor post that is funny + makes sense #
- RT @wmacphail Just to piss off Kenney let's change the lyrics of Canada's national anthem to: "true patriot love between thy sons command". #
- All this talk of the anthem, and no one has linked to the Classified version? Done and done. #EastCoastRepresent #
- RT @newfiehun: @AnthonyFloyd Maybe we should sing it in the original French? Much different lyrics. [True! ] #
- RT @stephen_taylor Cons strategic msg: Prorogation is necessary to prevent undemocratic seizing of power by unelected coalitions. [hahahaha] #
- That makes no sense at all @stephen_taylor. We elect MPs not parties. There's nothing more undemocratic than suspending parliament. Bizarre. #
- RT @EricaHargreave: Listening to everything from Parliament + thinking the ass running our country is simply trying to start a dictatorship. #
- The Bloc and the NDP have said they will not support the budget. This means that the Liberals will, no matter how much they object to it. :( #
- Dear #LPC If the budget passes, it's your fault. No matter how you spin it, if it passes, you've supported it. #WhoWillLead #cdnpoli #
- Iggy's Liberals are no different than Dion's Liberals. Talk and bluster, but no action. No principled stands. No leadership. #cdnpoli #
- I'm sick + tired of the Opposition letting the Cons do whatever they like b/c they are afraid of politics rather than do what's right. #
- A minority government should not be given a free pass to do whatever they feel like. The Cons have had a free pass since 2006. #cdnpoli #
- RT @geowoodstock If you'll be in town for GeoWoodstock VIII in July, Groundspeak Lackeys having an event day after #
- So, camera Tweeps, what's the consensus on the Canon Ti2? #
- Q is up now. Clapping to the end of the bad chick flick Gwen was watching. This bodes poorly for getting a good sleep tonight.#JustGoToSLEEP #
- It's 11:30pm and Quinlan is running around opening the child-proof (ha!) gates, and now he's playing the piano. Oh. Gawd. #JustGoToSLEEP #
- Morning come early some days. This is one of those days. #
- Feeling somewhat craptacular. It's Friday, though, so there's that. #
- RT @Kimli: RT @shacknews: Portal 2 announced! [Yay! Maybe they'll be cake?] #
- RT @LeftCoastMama: New blog post: I Dream of Sleep My entry for @mabelhood 's BlogHer 10 contest #MabelBlogHer #
- Haha @AvWeekBenet look what happened: RT @earwormremedy: earworm remedy for @AnthonyFloyd (Anthony Floyd) #
- Somehow I got sucked into being a bike chaperone #
- Back from Commercial Dr. Beautiful day for a bike ride! Good thing too b/c Aidan and I are biking *back* there to meet them for return trip! #
- Impressed by @alexishinde and @LeftCoastMama for biking the breadth of Vancouver to get to their tweetup today. Good job guys! #
- W/o Twitter we wouldn't have met some wonderful people, visited a new place, shown them a new hobby and we all would have been worse for it. #
- 6 adults, 6 kids under 7, all out tromping through the woods looking for Tupperware with the aid of multi-billion satellites. Fun times! #
- So, hat-tip to @Seanfunk @SlvrLambStudios and their cute kids as well as our Twitter-less geo-pal Cuddlefish and family for a fun, happy day #
- Oh honey. Chewing gum while introducing something at the Oscars? Really? You're not all that, dear. #
- Is the "My Finds" Pocket Query working for anyone at #geocaching Doesn't seem to be queuing for me, haven't run it in a long time… #
- Sigh. Sad. #