Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-05
- Longest power outage in recent memory, over 2hrs now. No one's getting their cars out of the garage this am! #
- Dug out some candles, making b-fast by head lamp. Good thing I'm not a coffee drinker! #
- Anyone in Yaletown with a Pringles can? #NeedMyWiFi #
- Power has been on twice now, gone out with loud bang each time. Time to go to work. #
- Third time lucky? Haven't heard a third transformer blow yet, the lights might stay on this time. #
- Although it was pretty funny with Aidan trying to figure out what things work and what things don't when there's no power. What!? No TV!? #
- RT @BCLiberalCaucus: Feds passed the HSt in Dec, we're repealing the PST. [Haha, technically true, but interesting spin] #
- OMG my sinuses can't take this MASSIVE RAIN followed 2 minutes later by BLINDING SUN then GALES OF WIND … then repeat #HumanBarometer #
- Some very interesting insight on being hired and hiring in the tech industry by local small-business owner @Stv #
- RT @DanGoodchild: Where's the kaboom? There's supposed to be an Earth-shattering kaboom! [LHC fully operational today!] #
- I don't understand kids part MMDIII: Aidan is having a melt-down over W10th Ave becoming University Blvd at UBC. Yeah, I have no idea. #
- News that the grad pub at UBC (Koerner's) has had its liquor license withdrawn is sad, but not surprising. UBC grads need better alternative #
- Uh, after reading this: it seems I need to follow the 'old lady' @MargaretAtwood #
- Our Christmas cactus is mightily confused, blooming in March… #
- That looks like lightning on the North Shore. Either that, someone's filming another apocalyptic movie downtown. #yvr #
- Interesting reads by some local gurus: @davemacdonald on bikes + @JonJennings on Agile development #
- For some reason the @CBCVancouver online stream today is actually @cbcnorth . While interesting, not quite what I'm looking for. #
- Another Canadian charter airline bites the dust. Skyservice shuts down, Sunquest and Signature Vacation travellers left in the lurch? #
- Home at last. Dealing w/ a customer challenge work that was done 5 yrs ago is irritating. Saw my kids 1 hr today, hate not seeing them in pm #
- Dear geek friends. This collective madness called the iPad? Still don't get. Yes, I know I'm not the target audience … but why are you? #
- Huh. Smoke detector just went off for no apparent reason. Unsettling. Changed the battery, we'll see what happens. #
- RT @danudey: Remember, tomorrow is Hate The Internet Day. Believe nothing. #
- RT @geowoodstock: Want to be the Ace of Spades? The Joker? The King of Hearts? GW8 Deck of Cards bidding live! #
- This Granville Island Brockton IPA is pretty good. So is this one… #
- I need to get an AT&T signal w/o crossing the US border. Anyone know a place in Tsawwassen or Surrey where I'm guaranteed a signal? #
- The Garmin Birdseye imagery is very cool. It is, however, v. slow d/l'ing images. And a bit awkward to work with in Basecamp. But, awesome! #
- Thought it might be a nice, quiet day in the office today (I'm swapping today's holiday for one next week) but the boss called me at 9:15! #
- Crazy. It's 27C in Ottawa right now, 5C in Vancouver. Welcome to the new springtime in Canada. #
- Hello, hello, hello, hello. Hello, hello, hello, how low. #NeedsEntertainment #AloneInOffice #
- For no apparent reason, @CityofVancouver engineering has closed Spruce St right beside our condo. WTF? Makes getting out of our garage hard. #
- I mean, sure, it's windy. And yes, there are trees there. But, there are lots of other trees in Vancouver, lining open roads. #
- Mystery solved. There is a tree that is _about_ to come down but hasn't yet. Clearly @CityofVancouver was merely being prudent. #
- Weird intersection of interests today as I verify cache coords for upcoming @geocaching101: Easter Egg hunts in the park! #
- – The Easter Bunny isn't a very good cache hider, btw #
- Hey @ALotofLoves @kevleviathan @StacieBee @johnbiehler FWIW we got an AT&T signal as soon as we hit 56th St on Hwy 17 in Tsawwassen! #
- Sitting in the parking lot of a Starbux slurping wifi, finishing setting up our US cell phone. And tweeting. The future is surreal. #
- And now? Some geocaching in Tsawwassen! #
- Finished logging today's caches. On our way back home, we though we'd logged 6 on the day but GPS field notes show 7. Middle age is rough :) #
- Aidan had his 1st @CarouselTheatre class today. One kid came out saying "I loved it!". Aidan came out and said "I had *so much* fun"! #
- I can only conclude that the class was a tonne of fun, or @CarouselTheatre spent the hour teaching the kids how to sing their praises! :D #