Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-26
- Wondering how the ash cloud is affecting NFLD? RT @AnthonyFloyd: Dude, where's my #ashcloud [via @gresco and others] #
- I love Twitter apps that tweet w/o your approval. Not. Sorry for the spam. #
- W00t! Vancouver Park Board votes to ban smoking on beaches + in parks! Not that there'll ever be any enforcement, tho' #
- Posted some pictures from this weekend's @geocaching101 event! #
- The historic Okanagan Twitter account @Bradinator shutters today, on the grand occasion of his birthday. Let's have a moment of silence ____ #
- RT @VancouverLocal: Amazing how Geocaching is really catching on in BC! [BCGA] workshops in May + June! Sign up today: #
- RT @NationalDefense: SecDef Gates unveiled a sweeping plan to reform US export control system. [Wonderful, new regs ppl won't understand] #
- After getting our CRCs at the VPD, grabbing the @policemuseum geocache! #
- Found @policemuseum geocache but museum director came out + accused us of acting suspiciously. Odd words from man carrying a bloody machete! #
- Truly a sad day on Twitter. @bradinator retires to the Okanagan, and @CynicalDad hosts his last Chag's Nameless Twitter Radio Show. #
- RT @manx_cat: @AnthonyFloyd Thanks, man! I LOVE being […] awesome. ;-P #
- RT @danudey: McAfee AV issued an update today which causes it to wreck itself + your computer. DO NOT LET IT UPDATE. @auroranine #
- RT @limelitePR: @AnthonyFloyd did you see there's a daddy blogger conference [Cool!] #
- Good god #Canucks How hard is it to make a clean line change? #StupidPenaltiesAlwaysSinkTheCanucks #
- See? #Canucks #StupidPenalties #AwfulPK #
- Dear @KellyHrudey: I sincerely doubt Lu is saying "Just ride me; I'm ready to go" in the locker room. o_O #canucks #
- Oh look, another Vancouver penalty. What's the over/under for seconds before Kings goal? #
- Newest follower specializes in custom auto parts. What do you think Tweeps, some spinners for my Saturn Vue? Ground effects maybe? #
- #Canucks didn't even get a chance to get into the penalty box for that goal #DelayedPenaltyPKSucksToo #
- Watching the #canucks game while @donttrythis (Adam Savage) live tweets the idol results show. I've said it before: The future is *weird* #
- Wow, #Canucks get a lead in a game, on a powerplay too. #WondersNeverCease #
- Canucks lead: short-lived. Le sigh. #
- Hendrik. Wow. #
- Kes! OK, lead of 2, 0:16 left. This *should* mean they're coming back to Vancouver tied at 2. #
- Dear Land-Rover-driving-lady who nearly killed me when she didn't look going thru round-about: I might have forgiven but for your laughter. #
- Seriously. Laughter when I skidded to a halt outside her window. She deserved every word of abuse and scorn I threw at her, and then some. #
- And who drives a Land Rover on a bike route through Kits? Next time, I'm taking pictures. #
- And for context for those unaware, I was on a bike on a bike route. That's why I am so pissed. #BikeCommuter #
- Dear @WINDmobile: Your site says "We are coming to Vancouver very soon early 2010" I'm not sure your def'n of "soon" + "early" agree w/ mine #
- RT @thekerplunks: Playing at the Artstarts HQ on Saturday – two workshops about instruments 11 am + 1 pm in Vancouver #
- .@kabutar Late to the game, but !? And huh? Sex ed == teenage pregnancy? #
- RT @gnb: Nice thing about spring weather is that red-light runners have their windows down + you can engage them in insightful conversation #
- Hey all you YVR geocaching types! There's going to be a fun meet + greet event on May 1st in NewWest: #
- Parvati. Survivor. WOW. Next week's going to be tough, though. #
- Cool beans! @SlvrLambStudios and @Seanfunk's little guy is going to be on BT (YVR) shortly! #
- So, it's cool to get email from my 5 yr old, but he insists on typing in all caps and I want to stab my eyes out. #
- Holy crap! This site makes the unlikely claim that Apple will not allow *any* unapproved software on OSX 10.7 #
- Kicked @LeftCoastMama out of the house a few hours ago. I can only assume she'll come back eventually. #
- I think this Samuelsson guy can stay too. #canucks #
- Uh, what's with the goaltender shuffle Kings? #Canucks #
- RT @edlau: WOW SAMUELSSON. Are you kidding me? The folks in charge of the Swedish Olympic team must be shooting themselves in the face now. #
- Is there a mercy rule for playoff games? Also, do the Kings have a 3rd string goalie? #canucks #regicide #
- One minute left to play. Will the Kings pull their goalie. Again? #regicide #canucks #
- A: 20:30, 12:30, 1:30, 4:30, 5:30, 7:00 Q: When did Quinlan wake up last night? #Zombified #
- Here's an informed and educated review of the Ont. sex-ed curriculum @ShireenJ @kabutar @erinlouise @smuttysteff @Kimli #
- I know transfats are bad for you, but the "new" Girl Guide cookies are now an expensive box of "meh" and "blech" #
- Busy day. Busy, busy day. But, fun! Classes in the am for G & A, H.R. MacMillan Space Centre, dinner out, then some geocaching! #
- Thanks to @SeanFunk and @SlvrLambStudios for some great company this afternoon. Hope the kids xition ok to bed tonight! #
- Went to a planetarium today for the first time in almost 20 yrs. Almost magical experience. 5 yr old liked, but const. lines wld have helped #
- RT @Betelgeuse_3: @AnthonyFloyd IT'S SHOWTIME! [Ha, ha, ha @manx_cat a Beetlejuice bot got me] #