Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-14
- Scratch that, kids were up in FOUR and a half hours #
- Win an amazing $10,000 Canon 5D Mk2 camera rig for the launch of Camera+ for iPhone at WWDC #
- Well crap. iPhone 4 doesn't support AWS (UMTS-IV) so no iPhone on @windmobile #
- Well crap. iPhone 4 doesn't support AWS (UMTS-IV) so no iPhone on @windmobile #
- We've been here 10 days now and Aidan has fallen out of bed 3 times so far. No injuries, and he doesn't remember in the morning, but UGH. #
- Ha! Just heard a Gaga song on the radio and thought "When did Annie Lennox release a new pop album?" #
- Ad fr the Australian Transport Accident Commission (vid, runs 5+ min) Couldn't watch it all. #DontDrinkAndDrive #
- Liking the new Vancouver Whitecaps FC logo! Where & when can I get a jersey? #
- Just mowed a lawn for the first time in many, many years. Felt like high school all over again. #UrbanShoeboxLivingNow #
- Uh, is it me or is Gaga "Alejandro"'s hook a ripoff of Madonna's "La Isla Bonita"? Need a mashup… #
- Too cute. 19 month old Q does the popping sound for @BobsandLoLo's Raindrop Pop (currently on Treehouse) #
- RT @CBCPolitics: Senior insiders with LPC and NDP are in secret talks about possibly merging their parties, CBC News has learned #cdnpoli #
- Really? "Senior insiders" and "secret talks"? Doesn't seem so secret. Or reliable. Someone's floating a balloon methinks. #cdnpoli #
- RT @somecanuckchick: Ignatieff to be dumped, Rae in #1 and Layton in #2 spots in Lib-NDP party merger. #cdnpoli #
- If Canada drops from Libs/PC/Reform/BQ/NDP/Green a few yrs ago to LibDems/Cons + BQ + Greens, do we end up w/ 2-party hell like US? #cdnpoli #
- Plan for today: Sherbrooke Village #
- Damn, none of my TwitPics came thru today #
- Great day in Sherbrooke Village, now in Antigonish for supper (XMen represent!) #
- At Sherbrooke Village #
- You know you're in Nova Scotia when … McDonalds has McLobsters! #
- Of course, lobsters are going for $5/lb on the side of the road, so I'm sure there's ample supply for McD's #McLobster #
- Photo from within Sherbrooke Village, a "living museum" in Nova Scotia #
- Heading to the Lower Deck tonight around 8pm. Anyone want to join us? #OnAHalifaxPier #
- Heading out to the Lower Deck. If you want to meet up, I'm the short stocky Irish-looking guy with a beard :D #WheresWaldo #OnAHalifaxPier #
- Back from the Lower Deck with @LeftCoastMama @gpsforthebrain @auroranine and a few non-tweeting friends. Not quite as uncouth as I remember #
- About to board the Harbour Hopper (at 3:15). They have a live webcam you can watch us on! #
- Other than the occasional face-fulls of harbour water, had a great time on the Harbour Hopper #halifax #
- RT @CivGame: Civilization V Release Date Announced! Coming to NA September 21 [Time to schedule more vacay] #
- Finally, some sunshine #OnAHalifaxPier #
- RT @LeftCoastMama: New blog post: Labour Union: Father's Day Giveaway #
- I don't do #FF but thanks to @jessicers for the mention — turns out we were within spitting distance in Cole Harbour many moons ago! #
- Last day in Halifax, heading out on a quasi-red-eye tonight. #WestJetTakeMeHome #
- YVR, YYC, YHZ, and YYZ. Guess which one doesn't have free WiFi #TdotFail #
- Back in Vancity. Although midnight feels like 4am due to time zone fun #screwed #
- Well, I suppose 4:45am isn't _so_ bad. That's almost 4 hrs extra sleep. Almost. #
- On the otherhand, @LeftCoastMama and 5 yr old didn't get up until 6:30. Hopefully we'll all get naps later this afternoon… #
- Cool! In today's Province, @policemuseum gets a mention and @StacieBee gets a photo credit! #
- RT @acourtroom: Coalition with strategic voting, YES. Merger, NO. Do nothing and sit there in denial whilst picking yer nose, NO. #cdnpoli #