Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-21
- Iraq was about oil and ego, Afghanistan is about … lithium? #
- RT @CBCNews: Border wait times now on Twitter [But article doesn't mention what the Twitter acct is – @CBSA_BWT #fail #
- RT @alexishinde: Okay, help needed: Vancouver area bagpiper for hire. Anyone know anyone? Need someone for the afternoon of 29 June. #
- Oooh, @thekerplunks released a new CD last weekend ("Number 3") Will definitely buy it sight-unseen as soon as it hits CD Baby! #
- Thunder! Nah-nah-nah-na-na-nah-nah! (So unusual for YVR) #
- Actually, @thekerplunks lastest CD *is* on CD Baby already: #
- The most irritating counter to increased bike infrastructure in Vancouver: "Cyclists don't pay their share". WRONG. #
- 2 weeks off the bike + University Hill = Suckage. Less suckage today than yesterday, but that's probably due to lack of headwind. #
- RT @patricknorton: Most excellent advice: New Dad Survival Guide – 8 Essential Tips [hilarious *and* sage advice] #
- Haven't received the 2010 Commemorative Book we ordered for the Olympics. Anyone else still waiting? #van2010 #
- RT: @DanOCan: Wow — Alberta government spends $271,000 towards Geocaching? [via @goliphant] #
- I've become so jaded. Unless I recognize the #, or there's caller ID, I don't answer my cell or home phone. If it's important, leave a msg. #
- Or, if it's *really* important, call me back. If the same # calls twice, I'll answer it. #IHatePhoneSpam #
- There's more than a little solidarity in ignoring unknown phone calls it seems. Next step will be to ditch the home phone completely. #
- Hey YVR-ish dads: We need a Tweet-up! How about the Confederation Park trains on July 10th? #
- I may have told Aidan that it was 7:30 (bedtime) … at 7pm. I think he's asleep now (7:15) #LitteWhiteLie #
- Read this press release headline: Really? Uh, really!? (via @gpstracklog ) #
- Oh look, a bot network is attacking us. Industrial espionage attempts or just script kiddies? #CantWeAllGetAlong #
- RT @mtnbikinggirl: Women cyclists ‘risk death’ by obeying traffic lights [Uh …. not sure how to respond to this] #
- As much as I am sympathetic to bicycle advocacy in Vancouver, this proposed bike share program seems like a colossal waste of money #
- And? People are stealing metal from electrical + building sites. I wonder about the theft estimates for bike-share bikes. #
- Insightful post from @squirtsdad: Being a step-dad is a lot different (and harder) than being a normal dad. #
- Wow, 150 caches in @TulameenTurtles' The Great Copper Rush event, 92 FTFs to be had! Are you coming? #geocaching #
- Damn, just crossed 1000 Tweets. Again. #DejaVuAllOverAgain #YouCanTweetButYouCanNeverLeave #
- Last day to enter to win a portrait session with Labour Union Photographers from @LeftCoastMama #LabourUnionDads #
- Unpleasant FTF attempt this morning. #geocaching #
- .@WestJet is a company that's on top of social media. Here's a clear response to some Twitter chatter yesterday: #
- Think we're going to do a WhereIGo cache tomorrow Anyone else have experience w/ these? #geocaching #
- RT @georgiastraight: Star Trek's William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy beam into Vancouver [Ooh, a YVR ST Con!] #
- VPD is out ticketing cyclists. Too bad didn't nab 2 cars running red lights or 1 that completely blew a 4 way w/o looking on my ride this am #
- I get that bikes need to obey the rules too, but hello? We're not 2000 kg of death and mayhem. #
- RT @LeftCoastMama: Off to get to Aidan's last preschool pickup ever. :( They grow up so fast. [Or not :p ] #
- British mailing addresses confound me. Foo House, 123 Some Street, Quaint Town Name, Big City Name, Postal Code. Seems over defined somehow. #
- RT @harrietglynn: We went to the new mtpleasant com centre to inquire about daycare. They had a 400 person wait list! How is that possible?! #
- And before anyone thinks I'm all holier-than-thou, there are a number of stop signs I blow daily. Only if I'm the only one at the intersxn. #
- The difference is that I ride _very_ defensively and always check for traffic, even when I have right-of-way. Many don't, ever. #
- Dear new followers: Yes, I know I only had 1000 tweets a few days ago and have north of 15,000 now. Surprise! Sorry for the flood. #
- Second call for a YVR-Dads #Tweetup I propose 10 July, Confederation Park trains in Burnaby. Any takers? #
- RT @dbarefoot: Irony: many of our nation's creationists live in same province as the world's largest bed of dino bones. #
- Watching the tail end of Apollo 13. Even knowing how it ends, having seen it before, still riveting. #space #geek #
- Dear child: You are *not* a rooster. No need to crow at the dawn. Every. Single. Day. #
- Off for a day of #geocaching with @Seanfunk and the K-Kids-Kaching-Krew at Stave Lake and Abbotsford. Later tweeps! #
- Whew, Stave Lake Wherigo was a 4.5 km round trip hike. With 5 kids. Found 3/3! #
- Just home now from a great (but long) day of geocaching with @Seanfunk and the K-Kids. Sean: Aidan was still going when we arrived :| #
- .@koakai Thanks for leaving an awesome surprise on our windshields at Stave Lake today. Very cool. #
- Even w/o the Geowoodstock and Great Copper Rush events coming up in July, Team LeftCoastFloyds is on track for our best #geocaching year! #
- OMFG RT @Astro_Wheels: A breath-taking masterpiece being painted in sky over the South Pole. 'The Southern Lights' #
- Anyone see a burgandy car w/a tree in the hood on main or commercial? Dm with location pls! #
- The whole LeftCoastFloyds clan was shot today by @thejerk and @mirandal. Didn't hurt a bit. Thanks guys! #
- Thanks @pawspix for the Dad's Day shout-out! #
- Still looking in Vancouver for a burgundy car w/ a fruit tree where engine should be. It's somewhere around the car-free events! Seen it? #
- Had to wake both kids from late-afternoon nap for supper. Emotional disaster x2. Never seems worth it. #
- Pushed the big red button. Sometimes personal interactions in #geocaching go waaaay overboard. #
- It's almost 10 pm. Q has been fighting sleep for almost 3 hrs now. Happy Father's Day. #
- Hmrph. Turns out both boys are still awake. No more late afternoon naps, no matter how much they need them. Also, never wake a sleeping kid #
- And now, blissful Napoleons from Granville Island. #ToDieFor #
- Vancouver cyclists set to document traffic infractions on bike routes by motorists as "counter-bike-crackdown" #