Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-21
- Apparently our family doctor says it takes 10-12 months to get an appointment with an ENT specialist at BC Children's. WTH? #
- The 2 yr old just picked up the (disconnected) phone and ordered sushi. #urbanbaby #
- Another NBA team in Vancouver? Are you kidding me? Didn't we learn from the last one? #GrizzlyFailure #
- I see @lisasj is going to turn the rest of us into germophobes. #transitgerms #cbcnews #
- Cycling along Hwy 1 at 2am? Seems to me being struck and killed isn't an accident, it's a predictable result. #DeathOfCommonSense #
- RT @RosieBarton: I'll say this: Stockwell Day is pretty funny. [When you profess the world is 6000 yrs old, you must have a sense of humour] #
- RT @JeffProbst: We're on…. [Follow Jeff for live-tweeting of tonight's Survivor premiere. FSM help me.] #
- Jeff Probst live-tweeting Survivor makes it >< this much more compelling. Damn it. #
- Tools? They've got tools already? #survivor @JeffProbst #
- RT @findchico: Holy cow is sh*t hitting the fan in Seattle over the SPD shooting of the BC man. Hundreds of protesters lining their streets. #
- Is a $5.50 entry fee to the US enough to even cover the administration costs (+ labour) required to collect such a fee? #
- The story of the war-monger Gandalf and the evil Elves [Warning, if you d/l use a popup blocker!] #
- MT @bgrier: From the trails – Hinton has very friendly muggles. #geocaching #
- OH: Shocked exclamation from cube-mate "I't snowing." And it is. #YVR #SNOMG #
- RT @GeorgeTakei: Gay marriage is like straight marriage, except we each get to double our
wardrobe. #gaymarriage # - The deaths of two people, same time, same place aren't "suspicious"? Huh. OK, if you say so @VancouverPD. Just a coincidence, then? #jargon #
- Huge lineup with imperceivable motion at campus Starbux. During reading week. On an otherwise empty campus. Where did everyone come from? #
- Flash! Crash! Hail! End of Days! #
- Dear federal Conservative party: Personal attacks, fear mongering, and lies. This is how you try to get our support? #cdnpoli #
- Please, can we have the PCs and Reform parties back? Please? #cdnpoli #
- So who's going to the @jonathancoulton concert in #YVR tonight? #
- Escher eat your heart out (vid) #
- Conservative attack ad style attacks on the BC Libs by the BCNDP. Just say no to personal attack ads. #bcpoli #
- I mean, seriously. Grow up. You can point out issues you have with your political opponents without using childish language. #bcpoli #bcndp #
- We're not unreasonable. I mean, no one is going to eat your eyes. #
- Left the kids with a stranger; on the bus to go to the #joco concert. #
- Out on a date! #
- Standing in line with many geeks. Waves to @reneestephen 20 ft ahead in line. #
- Anyone else here waiting for #joco doors to open? @elliomeg @gnb ? #
- The crowd almost got away from @phirm but he managed to rein them in. @jonathancoulton #joco #
- OMG Geek mosh pit. #awkward #joco #
- Strangely it's the song about the Mandelbrot set that attracts the most dancers. #awkward #joco #nerds #
- The nerds feel FANTASTIC #joco #
- Fun night out with @LeftCoastMama. Entertained by @phirm and @jonathancoulton, met IRL @iamanth, @reneestephen, and @elliomeg! #
- Now, off to dream about monkeys and ponies. #
- Great shot! RT @TylerIngram: I went out this morning to capture the moon setting over the water in English Bay #
- Picking up a geocache in North Van in a secluded park on Seymour River. Lots of shady characters and activities. Couldn't leave fast enough #
- Geocaching (and changing the flow of the river) in North Vancouver #
- .@karlwoll Speedflying, huh? That's pretty damn awesome. #
- Rock Band 3 Pro Drums. Rock. That is all. #
- Dear local business: Following me, not engaging, then unfollowing kinda says to me that you really weren't that interested in the 1st place. #
- Such a strategy reflects poorly on your business, making me /less/ inclined to visit you. <shrug> #
- I have to say that I'm pretty disappointed the bilingual Canadian anthem wasn't sung at the Heritage Classic btw Les Habs and the Flames :( #
- .@TheresaLalonde Some great changes to the CBC comment system! I might venture back once and a while. #
- Aidan's Rock Band band name is the "Diagon Alley Cats". A cool name. Apparently they're a Bowie cover band, though. #
- Seriously. "What do you want to sing, Aidan?" "'Let's Dance', Dad, I know that one!" #diagonalleycatsismybowiecoverband #
- Pro-tip: Pancakes left on the grill for an hour don't much resemble pancakes. #forgotthelastbatch #
- Related: anyone need some "organic" hockey pucks? #