Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-07
- I bet this bus driver won't make *this* mistake again (via @smuttysteff and #failblog #
- Holy crap, we're going to have lots of trees down tomorrow: 70-100 kph sustained winds, 100-140 kph peak winds forecast for Vancouver! #
- Things I learned today: Malta is a member of the Commonwealth. #huh #
- Latest Ipsos poll puts Cons at 43%. Does Harper throw the budget to force an election? #cdnpoli #
- Long shot, but anyone else going to the BME Grand Rounds/IEEE Aerospace/EM seminar this afternoon at #UBC #
- Candles? Headlamps + flashlight apps FTW! MT @TheresaLalonde: Now they're using the word hurricane. Where are yr candles? #
- It seems I do not in fact have my rain pants with me. Going to be a wet ride home. #bikeyvr #
- Tonight's commute brickbat: cyclist w/ helmet + light who went 5 kph wrong way through round-a-bout, while I was going through correctly. #
- Tonight's commute bouquets to B-way Running Room Sun Run training class running correct way along bike rte, with lights, on sidewalk! #
- Later tonight I expect to see pigs flying, cows jumping, dogs laughing, and spoons and dishes running away to Vegas. #
- Wow, are they using Howitzers in place of the 9 o'clock gun now? #BANG #yvr #
- Interesting. Usher without autotune. #idol #
- ET phone home: the ET Highway is archived (post by @firennice) #geocaching #
- There's no way that Casey Abrams isn't going to win Idol this year. @LeftCoastMama doesn't agree with me but he's unbelievable. Unbelievable #
- So far #blOMG is a bust in Vancouver. Where's the wind? They promised us wind! #
- Uneventful ride to work. Barely a whisper of a breeze on campus. #blOMG #yvr #
- From the HuffPo, RFK Jr's damning assessment of Stephen Harper "… false patriotism, bigotry, fear, selfishness …" #
- Every time I hear The Zalm on @cbcvancouver I wonder "Why!?" How is it that anyone listens to this guy? And … what happened to the BCNDP? #
- Wondering how far ranging the impact of ordering the arrest of all the opposition senators in WI will be. #shocking #
- Folks, the "twitter views" thing is bad news. Please don't keep clicking it. Don't even click it once. #herewegoagain #
- Signalfest. *Signal*. Oh. I was hearing Singlefest all yesterday. Thought it was the next level of speed dating. #otc #
- Today's Quinn's Quiz contestant sounds like she's got a serious case of the munchies. #otc #
- Well frak me, I'm following @_Reinette. Mostly because I like snark, but also to prove I'm not a toaster. #
- What does 1.6 GB of roaming data cost Telus customers when they visit Egypt? $37k apparently. (h/t @buzzbishop) #
- Caught the tail end of Jeopardy for the first time in ages. Alex is getting pretty passive-aggressive in his old age! #
- The transmogrifier is down at UBC. No, seriously: #UBCIT #CalvinAndHobbes #cardboardboxes #
- DE@TheBadCop Yes. In fact, of our 760+ finds, I'd say 500-600 of those have been with at least 1 kid in a stroller #GQotD #Geocaching #
- DE? I have no idea what that was about. Weird. @thebadcop #
- For the two of us that care, next week's Rock Band DLC is a Depeche Mode pack! #
- "Unable to find keyboard. Press F1 to continue" :headdesk: #
- Our main coding project is pushing 230k+ SLoC. Trying to get release prepped, finding bugs in code that not "mine". Other guy's on vacay :( #
- Yeah, it's a fun Friday. #
- Note to self: avoid drinking with frustrated @IanAMartin. It's all fun and games until the bullet goes off. #
- Oh where is my hairbrush? #damnpeach #
- RT @natnewswatch: RT @AntoniaZ Breaking: Con news management descends into near-thuggery – @DrDawg #Cdnpoli #cdnmedia #
- Just to spite all you goody two shoes having pancakes today b/c of National Pancake Week, we're having *waffles* #maplesyrupnation #
- Shoutout Saturday: @Ambient_Skater @DrRaymondMc @TriingAli @Asifa604 Thanks for the #FF yesterday. #SS #
- RT @raincoaster: #Vancouver @davemkane died in his sleep last night in St Paul's Hospital. He was cracking wry jokes up till the end. #
- Geocaching on Sea Island later this afternoon (again). Anyone want to join us? #
- Aidan doing an @actuallynph impression while geocaching on Sea Island #
- Not bad, 9 caches today before the kids tapped out. #geocaching #
- Oops, make that 10 #justonemorecache #geocaching #
- People who drive with a dog in their lap should be charged under the distracted driving law. What the hell are they thinking!? #
- Q is on his third set of PJs tonight and it's not midnight yet. This should not be interpreted as being glamourous in any way, shape or form #
- Cache series in NS includes "only reasonably be accessed via ice in the winter or by boat" in desc. Rated at 1.5/1.5. Say what!? #geocaching #
- People don't realize that cachers with kids or mobility problems rely on accurate terrain ratings. Wildly inaccurate (low) in NS #geocaching #
- Fortunately we topped out at 3 diiferent pairs of PJs for Q last night. Having a sick kid does not make for a restful night. #
- Spring is here, the rhododendrons have bloomed. #
- .@reneestephen UBC's own @rosieredfield has something to say about the #fibromyalien paper too #
- Lookout Phil Collins! Q rocking the Rock Band 3 pro drums #