Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-28
- Wait, I'm confused. The Harper Government has been found in contempt of The Harper Government? #cdnpoli #
- Actually, being in contempt of Parliament shows what I've been saying all along: the Harper Cons are in contempt of the Cdn public #cdnpoli #
- MT @Craig_F: No Westminster model Parliament in the commonwealth has been found in contempt, before today #cdnpoli #harpergoverment #
- The @InfoAlerteBot cracks me up. #cdnpoli #
- The increased driver distraction due to a rampaging 2 yr old in a rear facing car seat sounds more dangerous than front-facing! @shiral #otc #
- Seriously. Both our kids absolutely hated the rear-facing configuration. A screaming, thrashing kid seems a way more dangerous situation. #
- Ha! And now the geocaching bots kick in. Hi @GeoTicker! Where's your friend @gcbot? #
- Check out Yoyomama where we drop some links to #geocaching with kids including @seanfunk, @buzzbishop, @geocaching101 #
- Four, count'em, *4* different detours off the Off-Broadway bike route this morning. It's now the Off-Off-Broadway route #bikeyvr #
- Disgusting. The Harper Cons actually have a manual on how to disrupt parliamentary committees. Disrespect EVERYWHERE. #
- Doesn't seem the Liberals were much better. When will somebody get serious about Parliamentary reform? Please? #cdnpoli #
- This can't be correct. RT @ericmargolis: Gallup/Ipsos poll finds 58% of Canadians but only 16% of Americans believe in evolution. #
- In this day + age, how accurate is polling, particularly telephone polling? Who answers pollsters' calls, and is that group representative? #
- Today's coding tunes: LSO playing Holst's "The Planets". Fun fact: Holst didn't write anything for Pluto. In the end, he was right! #
- Wondering just what the heck is going on in federal politics this week? See for the synopsis (via @sidschubes) #cdnpoli #
- Paywall? What paywall? #NYT #
- $150M in #bdgt11 to build hwy from Inuvik (pop 3,500) to Tuktoyaktuk (pop 900) in the NWT. Seriously? #RoadToNoWhere #
- I guess, if the gov't was interested in using Tuk as an Arctic port, or as a coast guard/navy outpost, but don't think its harbour is deep? #
- On the other hand, sounds like @jacklayton + NDP won't support the Cons' #bdgt11 I would rather they brought them down over ethics, tho'. #
- The budget will not pass. Why is anybody bothering to talk about it? #cdnpoli #bdgt11 #
- .@Nicole013 My prediction is no substantial change. My hope is rather different. #cdnpoli #elxn41 #
- RT @courosa If ur a Canadian father w/ child b/w 2-6 yrs , pls help my colleague w/ his research via this 15min survey #
- The poo-flinging has begun already + we don't officially have #elxn41 #cdnpoli Already tired of the ConBots telling us elxn is unnecessary. #
- Very un-PC of me, but I cannot believe the charity that an upcoming #YVR SM event is supporting. Surely there are more imp issues to addx? #
- Not engaging in this debate. 1) Personally regard "beauty industry" as vile. 2) Think there are many good charities in YVR. … 1/2 #
- I do not doubt the charity involved achieves good results, improves lives. Given my personal beliefs, is not my charity of choice. 2/2 #
- RT @suzannelittle: Please welcome @raffi_RC to twitter #saltspring WOOT (via @raincoaster, @rocksaltcafe) #
- The Grouse Grind is under full winter closure. North Shore Search + Rescue is heading up trail to rescue ppl in sneakers who ignored signs. #
- I really hope they get handed a bill for the cost of the rescue and an additional fine for stupidity and lack of common sense. #
- Interesting, live i-view on CBC Radio right now about #cdnpoli #elxn41. Thx to Twitter, I seem to know more about what will happen than xprt #
- Eg, xprt didn't know budget wasn't debated at all today, can't have budget-related vote until after Friday. Gov't will fall Fri, non-conf #
- Today's Grouse Grind rescuees were German tourists who knew they were out of bounds. Apparently 3rd rescue this WEEK (via @News1130radio) #
- While lamenting the cats' inability to open the can + feed themselves, I came to realization that it's the only reason they keep us around #
- Trying to find information on VSB seismic upgrade, but *all* the links on @VSB39's seismic information page are broken! #
- Hey media-types: The BC's govt's school seismic upgrade report says all "High risk" schools complete/started/soon 1/2 #
- But list they give doesn't match the assessment list: ! In particular, my kid's school is rated "High", no action 2/2 #
- .@pattibacchus @VSB39 Why does the BC Gov't seismic upgrade progress report (saying all high-risk started/soon) not incl Tennyson? #
- How many other schools, ranked at high risk of damage in an earthquake, have "fallen off" the BC Gov't list? #
- In fact, there were 293 schools ranked at "high" risk in the event of a BC earthquake in 2004. BC Gov't says "all" high-risk is 121 now. #
- Did I miss a reassessment, or is this a case where "high risk" doesn't actually mean "high risk". Good game to be playing w/ kids' safety. #
- I have never seen a mess of broken links as the VSB web site. The level of sheer incompetence is astounding. #
- If you get PAID to maintain a web site, I would think your first priority after "Is it visible?" would be "Do the links work?" #
- And, no, I'm not at work. At home. Sick. Grumpy. #
- Incompetence Over Evil: CDN politicians have long way to go to win back CDN public. Blog by @davemacdonald #cdnpoli #
- Ugh. I'm sure #sworcery is fun and all, but another term has been added to my global filter. "Games" that pollute my stream are annoying++ #
- American Idol. W.T.F.!? Voters? Suck. Stupid. Crazy. #
- In a few hours, our eldest will be 6 yrs old. Wow. But for now, bed. #
- We are now the proud parents of a six year old. Happy Birthday Aidan! #
- RT @somecanuckchick: John Baird just said that "the opposition has used the tyranny of majority" against the Canadian government… #cdnpoli #
- How much contempt do the Conservatives have for the Canadian people, and Parliament? "Tyranny of the majority" sums it up entirely #cdnpoli #
- John Baird's inflammatory and ignorant rhetoric is emblematic of what ails Parliament these days. What ever happened to decorum? #cdnpoli #
- The Speaker of the HOC had no idea what riding Hedy Fry represented (mine, Vancouver-Centre). I guess she doesn't stand much, huh? #cdnpoli #
- .@AlphaDrake Certainly not. But Dr. Fry has been in this seat for 18 yrs. The speaker has been Speaker for 9. I'd expect *some* familiarity! #
- My CPAC feed died again. Does anybody have a good link? Or an audio-only link? #cdnpoli #
- I'm enjoying @GillesDuceppe's speech. Not sure which word he used in French, but it translated to "recidivists" several times. #cdnpoli #
- The "wait for it!" music on CPAC is so calming. Quite a juxtaposition to what is about to happen. #cdnpoli #
- The Harper Government … uh, I mean, the Canadian Government … has fallen. But will anything change? #cdnpoli #contempt #
- With Parliament dissolved tomorrow, who controls Canada's short-term foreign policy, vis-a-vis Libya, Afghanistan, etc? #cdnpoli #
- Budget? Why is he talking about the budget? He was defeated on charges of Contempt of Parliament. That just shows more contempt. #cdnpoli #
- Well, @M_Ignatieff's response was clear, but clearly not answering the questions put to him. #cdnpoli #
- Not cool, Twitter. We were reveling in democracy here. #cdnpoli #failwhale #
- MT @loxyisme: If any party promises to give me STV, I'm theirs. [DITTO #cdnpoli #bcpoli] #
- Heading to the Bon Jovi concert thx to tix from @News1130radio! #
- Shit. Should have checked the frigging date. Tix are for tomorrow night but we were told they were for tonight. Shit. #
- Ok, thanks to the nice ticket resellers we got in on a straight exchange. W00t! #
- Ryan Star opening for Bon Jovi in Vancouver #
- Jon's hair hasn't changed in 20 yrs. Maybe it's a wig? #
- Wow, that was an awesome, high energy show. #bonjovi Thanks for the tix @news1130radio! #
- RT @somecanuckchick: .@M_Ignatieff says, "This is a commitment to the Canadian people — I rule out a coalition government." #cdnpoli #elxn4 #
- And with that, Michael Igantieff sentences us to another Parliamentary session exactly like the last. Suck it up and do something smart, pls #
- Which politicians think most like you? Find out with Vote Compass: #votecompass #cdnpoli #
- Confused. Seeing lots of Twitter chat abt how PMSH is now just candidate, ridings vacated, etc. Who sets foreign policy right now? #cdnpoli #
- .@InDistans Thanks, that's the best explanation I've heard. Although the idea of *secret* gov't rules about governing the country bothers me #
- This is what happens when we go for a "bike ride@ @ Second Beach #
- Our cool ride. If you see us on the seawall today, say hi! #
- Incredibly there are *two* playgrounds at Second Beach @ Stanley Park #
- Dear media: The #CPC fear-mongering over "coalition" is happening NOW b/c you're talking about it instead of Contempt of Parliament #cdnpoli #
- The degree to which the #CPC controls the messaging in the media for past 5 yrs is astonishing. Other parties forced to REACT #cdnpoli #
- What would happen if other parties just ignored the #CPC messaging? What if they were proactive about their own issues & platform? #cdnpoli #
- Geocaching at Brae Island Regional Park near Ft Langley #
- Pretty good day out on McMillan Island in Langley today. Took the bikes and picked up 10 geocaches! Aidan rode his 2-wheeler the whole time! #
- RT @buzzbishop: why @tonyclementcpc changed his twitter handle and why @pmharper doesnt have to #elxn41 #cdnpoli #