Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-04
- Dear #BCNDP Don't like it when #CPC does attack ads. Don't like when you do either. My vote doesn't go to parties using attack ads. #bcpoli #
- RT @lapinbun: TRIUMF: You'd need to drink 12l of rainwater every day for year to get dose equal 2 natural background radiation levels in Van #
- RT @ianabailey: Jennifer Clarke, former YVR mayoral candidate, is Tory nominee in Vancouver-Centre; trying to unseat Lib Hedy Fry #cdnpoli #
- Well, nice to know who the local CPC candidate is. I wonder if she'll fare any better than Lorne Mayencourt did last time around. #cdnpoli #
- Cool! Vancouver-Centre has a Pirate Party candidate! Arrrr. #cdnpoli #
- Also interesting: Libs, Cons, and Greens all are running big-name female candidates in Vancouver-Centre. Who will NDP run? #cdnpoli #
- Rick Cluff is on the radio calling Harper's proposed income-splitting scheme "detrimental" to low income families? REALLY!? :headdesk: #
- If something doesn't benefit a particular group, it doesn't benefit them. It's not DETRIMENTAL. Sigh. #
- "It's really a subsidy for women to stay at home" – guest. Argh. $1500 is enough to do that? Really? REALLY? @CBCEarlyEdition #
- Apparently Aidan's been learning the Canadian anthem as "…in all OUR sons command". I guess "thy" is too complicated for 5 yr olds. :( #
- Astonishing craftmanship: The Muppet Theatre Playset (via @smuttysteff, @backstagerider, @thatericalper) #emilycarr #
- .@ElizabethMay being not invited to #elxn41 leadership debate is a farce. There will be public outcry and she'll be invited. Again. #cdnpoli #
- If Harper is only answering 5 questions a day, how many members of the press does it really take to cover that? #cdnpoli #
- I mean, the press should get together, volunteer one or two "lucky" members, and then go spend the rest of their time being productive. #
- CBC's Keith Boag tells how the #CPC is lying, fear-mongering when they talk about the BQ being part of a coaltion #
- Once + a while I'm surprised when I agree w/ a columnist I usually am diametrically opposite to. Today: Pete McMartin #
- Income sharing for one-income parents. A good idea that won't see the light of day. But is it unfair? #
- Me: What do you want for breakfast? Q: Anchovies. Me: Anchovies!? Q: *Anchovies*. O_o #
- Damning condemnation (again, notice a theme?) of the Harper Government … from Australia (via @gmarkham, @jaski05) #
- Although, to be fair, the article was written by a prof who is an adjunct at an AUS uni, and a full prof at UWaterloo. #
- Hey PNW'rs: What's a good hotel in Seattle for a young family + kids to stay in for a few days? #
- This is a def'n of secret I'm unfamiliar with: MT @BreakingNews: Pres Obama has signed secret order auth'ing covert supp't for Libyan rebels #
- I see @translink will be playing with bus routes. The 17 is back to Cambie St Bridge but not UBC & the 15 is off the Cambie Bridge entirely. #
- Pacific Nor'westers: Looking for recommendations for family-friendly accommodation in Seattle. Any suggestions? #
- Don't like the CBC's political compass? Try this one: (for @Scouter_Mike) #cdnpoli #
- Awesome. I'm further left/libertarian than all our major political parties according to (-1.75/-3.59) #cdnpoli #
- Ah, springtime. Histamines (not mine) and hairballs (also not mine). #
- Huh. Apparently the Canadian media doesn't like being kept 40+ ft away from Harper, behind a fence at pressers. O RLY? #cdnpoli #
- Seems like a very strange way to get your msg out: limit who can ask you q's, limit how many q's, banish media fr pressers #cdnpoli #
- iPhone battery performance on 4.3.1 seems MUCH better than on 4.3.0. I wonder if it's real or did they just change how the indicator works? #
- Harper's not going to the Royal Wedding. Is the GG going? #cdnpoli #
- RT @gnb: Help elephants + give @GoDaddy the finger. My registrar of choice is offering $5 domain transfers until tmrrw #
- Oops. @namecheap is a victim of GoDaddy's misstep. Their sites have all crumbled under the domain transfer load. #
- .@kirklapointe, now @cbcombudsman weighs in on decision not to include @ElizabethMay in the #cdnpoli Leaders' Debate #
- That G&M article is 2 years old, but no less astonishing. @dbarefoot #
- Dear Telus: At least you use caller ID. I know who I'm ignoring as a result. #OnlyAnswersCallsFromKnownCallersNow #
- Gmail Motion: The newest revolution in internet communication #
- Also, a revolution in pet care furniture: The Ikea Hundstol (h/t @erinlouise) #
- Ha! Kodak's offer "Photo Diapers" today only. Upload photos of Mom & Dad. Diaper starts out white, whomever's face appears has to change it. #
- [He means political opponents] RT @davidakin: .@pmhaper says if maj'ty: Will lay out three-year timeline to eliminate political subsidies. #
- You know? I'd almost tolerate a $5 coin w/ Harper on it if we could call it the "Harpie" #
- I was worried the Cons might have a chance in Vcr-Centre. Seems Jennifer Clarke isn't trying very hard, tho' #cdnpoli #
- Some time outside in the sun has helped improve my mood. Funny, that. (@ Douglas Park Playground) #
- The "sun's down it's bed time logic" fails for a good portion of the year. Starting now. #
- Well-timed applause provides notes-checking time for Ignatieff. I guess there's not teleprompter #cdnpolli #exln41 #
- .@IanAMartin It makes for a more natural delivery. Also, kudos for not having a podium. #cdnpoli #exln41 #