Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-23
- Space Shuttle Endeavour lifts off for the last time #sts134 In other news, why is "Endeavour" a word Americans spell with a "our" not "or"? #
- Ah-ha! Endeavour was named after James Cook's ship, and so keeps the British spelling. #sts134 #
- That "cure for cancer that the media isn't reporting on"? There's a good reason for that: #
- There are some days during parenting that the prospect of a zombie apocalypse seems like a preferred alternative. #GoTheF KToSleep #
- Have just written two tweets and then deleted them. Too heavy on the snark. Perhaps should stay off Twitter tonight. #
- Sunshine! It's going to be a great ride to work this morning. Only takes 1 day to forget about the oppressive grey. #
- My favourite kind of jaywalkers are those found in Kitsilano. The yoga mats that they carry help cushion the impact #BikeYVR #
- The swallows are diving and playing outside my window at work. It's more than a little distracting. #SpringHasArrived #
- Listening to @CBCStephenQuinn and @parent_project. Laughing in solidarity. Been there, done that, have a 2.5 yr old. #otc #GoTheF*kToSleep #
- Sadly, no magic solution to sleep problems according to @parent_project. Failed to discuss the Irish Whiskey option. @CBCStephenQuinn #otc #
- This is long, but it thoroughly takes the air out of the "Anti HST" movement. Awesome. #
- *yawn* 2.5 yr old up and breakfasted by 6:20am. Of all the things he learns from his brother why can't "sleeping in" be one of those things? #
- Excited to listen to Margaret Gallagher's new "cycling in the city" column "High Velocity" on @CBCEarlyEdition. #
- Although, given Vancouver's reputation for weed, I wonder at the column's name @CBCEarlyEdition #HIGHVelocity #
- Also, is Margaret Gallagher one of the few CBC Vancouverers that @theresalalonde hasn't been able to convince to join Twitter? #
- Vancouver Canucks playoff tickets still available for game tonight, at $400-$700 a ticket. Gee, do you think!? #nowayjose #
- Easy to say when you're winning, but this has been a much more enjoyable series. #nowayjose #
- So, against Nashville they were willing to protect a 1-goal lead. Repeatedly. Unsuccessfully. Now, a 4-goal lead isn't enough. Huh? #canucks #
- That gorgeous set play nets another goal. 7-2 Canucks. Yikes. #
- They called that last penalty to Eager "Roughing". I'll never understand the NHL refs. Also? How is he still allowed on the ice!? #
- Was that Gretzky beside Bettman? #
- "Would she go out with you to the theatre?" Uh, that's not what Alanis wrote #idol #utterlyuninterestingnow #
- Please vote (daily!) to help our local theatre school (@carouseltheatre) upgrade its studio #
- Another lovely day on Vancouver's bike routes. The fair-weather cyclists have emerged, much to the dismay of the anticyclists. #
- Cute pic of Aidan at @CarouselTheatre . Have you voted today to help them upgrade their classroom? #
- Today I'm programming in C. I apologize to my family in advance. #
- The Shaw Home Phone "Text to Landline Services" is awesome. Does a decent job at translating txts to voice mail. #
- Now to get people to stop sending texts to our landline number. #
- "Bike Fix-It Station" at the University of Virginia: (via the eclectic @findchico) #
- More info on the UV Bicycle Fix It Station: #
- Looking at the Keyhole satellite photos of Slave Lake in Google Earth (kml). Amazing how random the fire seemed to be. #
- Listening to #CPC rationalize Senate appointments of #elxn41 losers. "Only appt ppl who ran/held gov't office". Duffy? Wallin? #cdnpoli #
- Because, you know, being a former journalist is entirely the same as having held government office. #cdnpoli #
- Why don't they just say what everyone knows: Senate appointments aren't for the good of the country, they're for rewarding friends #cdnpoli #
- The threshold for hipsters in Kits has gone up a notch. Yesterday I saw a helmetless hipster riding a fixie while holding a dog under arm. #
- What an amazing ride to work. Clear view of the mountains, sunshine streaming down, 13C. Bike room at work empty. #4DayWeekend #IsItSaturday #
- Vancouver median family income (Statscan, 2008): $68,670. Qualifying income, house ownership (2011): $139k. #
- Great way to start your long weekend. Or the Rapture. RT @marchro: Pick up truck drives into the water off Swartz Bay terminal. #cbcnews #
- How many 5-3s will we need tonight to get a goal? #
- This rapture thing: It's supposed to start with an earthquake, right? Then birds, snakes, and an aeroplane? #IFeelFine #
- Actually, it's either violent eagles or dinosaurs we have to watch out for today. #PrepareForTheRaptor #
- Ha. Put a new computer together, had a minor prob; it wouldn't power up. Fixed, then when started, was so quiet that I didn't know was on. #
- Mad scientist @stv was in a goodie bag that Aidan got today! #
- For the #Rapture after party, @leftcoastmama made me make cookies. One bite, and you'll feel like you're in heaven anyways. #
- The best thing about SNL in the past few years has been Justin Timberlake. He's hosting tonight. #
- Shout out to @SecuriRover & @KCarr89 getting married at Camp Barnard this weekend! Weather sucks, but I bet they barely notice. Congrats! #
- .@findchico will love SNL tonight. Lots of Gaga. #
- Woah. Serious ritardando on the Canadian anthem there. Did the singer think he was losing the crowd? #canucks #
- Nachos. Beer. Playoff hockey. It's what's for lunch! #Canucks #
- Argh. Boarding? #
- On the plus side, the #canucks penalty kill has been good today. SJ is 0/3 so far. #
- Are you kidding me? *This* is keeping out of the penalty box!? #
- Kes for MVP! #
- Canucks showing San Jose what's what now. Looking good. #
- Bringing the pain. #Canucks #
- Hot and sweaty after an evening of Rock Band on the drums. Now off to bed to watch some Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor. #24Wknd #