Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-26
- Arrr, th' mornin' comes early again. Hopefully th' rest o' th' crew stays in their bunks for a bit longer. #itlapd #
- Crap. Both kids currently sleeping through the alarm clock. This bodes … poorly. #
- #YYC dads: You're parents too MT @themotherofall: Moms in Calgary, there are still tickets left for my meetup #
- "Minimum tipping at restaurants is 17%" Say what? Uh, I don't think so. Hate "minimum" tipping, seems like extortion. @CBCStephenQuinn #
- How does *this* happen? RT @cbcnewsbc: Dump truck slammed into Hwy 99/ 156 St Surrey overpass. #
- Beavers! Beavers! Beavers! Sharing! Sharing! Sharing! #
- Got robo-dialed by the NPA. The dialer wasn't smart enough to recognize voice mail. I don't think they got the poll results they wanted. #
- It's good to be here. #
- And now the NPA robodialed my cell. They sure know how to piss off electors, huh? cc: @alexishinde @Nicole013 #vanpoli #
- Wow. A good dozen people (at least) in my Tweetstream complaining about the NPA robocall. I hope they're paying attention. #vanpoli #
- Also? Did they call everyone in Vancouver tonight? #
- There are still 3 @car2goVancouver cars hogging resident parking in front of our building. Some one must be collecting them. #
- Great analysis of the usage of those fancy separated bike-lanes in Vancouver: #bikeyvr #
- More unsolicited robocalls from the NPA. What really gets me is you can't ask to be remove from call list when it's a robodialer. #vanpoli #
- Good reasons for buying the "single rolls" instead of the "double rolls": minimize the losses when the kid drops in the toilet, or unrolls #
- So, what's the big conference in that's setting off fireworks this time? Doctors, lawyers, Hell's Angels? #yvr #
- According to the Vancouver Convention Centre website, the fireworks are for them International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers #yvr #
- A little something to fill my "free" time #
- Wet ride home. Now to make myself pretty for the @anndouglas tweetup. #
- .@lisasj Raindrops pound pavement // Tires pushing slop around // Biking ain't pretty now #twaiku #
- 10:30pm, home. Decided to skip the whole "food in a restaurant", opted for waffles at home. They're doing a good job at buffering the beer. #
- Ditto what she said –> RT @5and1: @anndouglas it was lovely to meet you tonight! #
- Tail wind and warm rain almost made up for the early-morning ride to work. Almost. #bikeyvr #
- Is popularity a good metric of quality? Discuss. #
- Aircraft crash in Yellowknife, NWT RT @moneycoach: devastating photo via @ALegaree #yzf #
- It was the Terry Fox run today at school. A's teacher didn't tell the kids or the parents b/c of the teacher's "strike". Idiot. #
- Turns out there were at least 4 notices that she has refused to give to the kids. Only found out b/c A was in office due to bee sting. #
- Tell me again how this petty job action isn't affecting kids? #
- Fed the cats for the 1st time today. Was wondering why they were being so attentive. cc: @LeftCoastMama #
- Nice! RT @gpstracklog: New geocaching features for the Garmin Montana series; coming soon to others: #
- Cool intersection design that features "safe" bike lanes #bikeyvr #
- Cool! Geocaching in Keji: MT ParksCanada: Official launch of a new geocaching rte at #Kejimkujik National Park Sept 24. #
- Brad Ellis as a Muppet amuses me to no end in Sesame Street Glee parody (via, shockingly, @Kimli) #
- This could be interesting, latest prediction for UARS reentry dumps it in the Pacific at 9:04 pm +/- 3 hrs. 15 mins later puts it over #YVR #
- Here's the updated map for the UARS reentry #
- Hanging on by a thread. Literally. #
- 26 pieces of the UARS satellite (532 kg) are expected to be scattered along 1000 kms tonight. #
- Final updated predicted crash location for the UARS satellite: Off of Australia, 10:10pm PDT #
- RT @UARS_Reentry: Radar data delays will now impact altitude accuracy, but before #UARS has commence re-entry, the location will be correct #
- 30 mins-ish to #UARS reentry. Still looks like it will be splashing down between Antarctica and Australia. #space #deathfromtheskies #
- Tonight's reading material #uars cc: @citycaucus @badastronomer #
- #uars reentry should be happening now, as it approaches the West Coast of North America. Look up! #deathfromtheskies #
- #uars about to approach the PNW from the southwest at about 100km altitude. Look up! #deathfromtheskies #
- #uars now over Alberta. Looks like Vancouver is safe. For now. #
- Lots of unconfirmed rumors #uars crashed in Northern Canada. If it's still up, it should be crossing NW Africa now. #
- Seems like #uars is down, waiting for NASA to confirm location. Reports of lights, explosions in Northern Quebec… #
- In the unlikely event that #uars is still airborne, it should be passing BC from SW to NE right now. #
- Video from Okotoks, AB supposedly of debris from #UARS (via @thenightskyguy) #
- There's an official rap/autotuned Thomas the Tank Engine theme? Ugh. #
- It'd be more inspiring if they could spell correctly #
- Stories Along The Trail in Pacific Spirit Park #
- Why do old people in Vancouver have limiters installed that keep them under 40 kph? And why can't we put those in "L" & "N" drivers' cars? #
- Anyone up for a Vancouver Giants tweetup? Oct 10th, 1 pm game time. #gianttweetup #