Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-10
- The problem with being in an office where more than 50% commute by bike? War stories chew into work time. #bikeyvr #
- You know, if the #CPC was serious about "tough on crime" agenda, they'd get rid of the "drunk==not responsible" defense #
- Huh, just got affected by the MSE "Chrome is malware" bug. Tell me again how this wasn't intentional? #
- MS Security Essentials says "This program is dangerous and captures user passwords." about Chrome #
- I'm not convinced @CBCStephenQuinn *really* gets the #9 thing #otc #
- Beavers at the beach #
- Looking for crabs. #
- So our upstairs neighbour says she has a mouse problem. That explains why our cat has been stalking the dishwasher for the past few days. #
- Your daily dose of out-of-touch right-wing nuttery from the Toronto Sun: #
- Servers burning up all over the place. went down early, now Engadget's server is pile of smoking metal. #appleday #
- Oh look! Another digital media service not available in Canada: iTunes Match. #
- You know, I don't really *want* to talk to my phone. Make it easier to do stuff, but _quiet_, please. #
- Heh, so many blogs and news sources will now have to rewrite their headlines and copy: No iPhone 5 announced today! #
- Best line today: "…where he proceeded to hack away at the windshield… Once the windshield had been defeated …" #
- Truckload of cranberries not in truck (Hwy 91A NB, via @leah_holiove, @dixontam): #
- Drinking on the radio, again, is killing me #otc #
- Does anyone else think of Schwetty Balls while Drinking on the Radio is on? #OTC #
- Another call from Suzanne Anton's team. They're certainly tenacious. "Can we count on your support?" "No, I don't think so". #vanpoli #
- You'd think for running the world, they'd have better grammar #glee #
- Ditto. RT @whistlerkristen: I am in full support of bike lanes and rapid transit. It may be frustrating now, but think long term, people. #
- MT @CarouselTheatre: Our theatre school student @AidanFloyd interviewed @joshgroban at #YVR concert. Awesome! #
- Whatever you do, don't show this to your kids. Or the IT staff. (via @boingboing ) #
- Time to go down and wake *both* kids. What could go wrong? #
- RT @Stv: Have you voted to help Liam's school to build a new playground today? Please help! #
- Heh. @thepeak now runs a disclaimer in front of the #BCLib attack ads #bcpoli #
- Want. Of course, where do you put 4 ft of SSD in a Vancouver shoebox? #
- Rolling Stone puts out "worst songs of the 80's". I know the words to all of them. My take is: not worst, just most over-played. #
- Here's a link to @CKNW's Youtube collection of Rolling Stone's "worst" songs of the 80s. My playlist for the next hour! #
- Seriously? Burnaby and Richmond have Skytrain, mayors unhappy with having to pay for Skytrain in other MetroVan cities? #yvr #translink #
- RT @MetroVanCycle: Sign up for Bike to Work Week, Oct 31 to Nov 6th, there's going to be some great prizes!! #bikeyvr #
- The #translink squabbling makes me wonder if Vancouver should consider amalgamating. Ha ha. Like that'd ever get any support. #yvr #
- :'( My HP Touchpad order has been cancelled. Couldn't they have waited for the mourning period to be over, like Google? #
- MetroVan RCMP handed out 2,100 tix last month to drivers using mobiles during a "blitz". Aren't they being negligent by not continuing? #
- I mean, I would think that given such a level of infraction, you would *continue* to crack down until the numbers became reasonable. #
- By *knowing* that drivers continue to drive dangerously and not doing anything about it, that seems negligent. #
- Seems more than a few people have problematic iPhone 4 home buttons . Maybe try this: cc @Kimli #
- Just got the kids to bed, no nap for Q at all today. Tomorrow is terrifying me. #
- I guess getting up at 8am is sleeping in, but for a kid that didn't get to sleep until almost 11pm, I still tremble at the rest of the day. #
- Q takes umbrage at today being Saturday. "No! It's *fogday*." A quick glance outside confirms, as usual, it's useless arguing w/ toddlers #
- Wide awake. Waaaaay too early. #
- Weird dream this morning: Dreamt I woke up, then the power went out. Because of 2 ft of snow. But only in Fairview/Kits. #
- Soon-to-be Thanksgiving pie filling #
- Picked up Dirt 3 for XBox this weekend. The easy mode is perfect for @Aidanfloyd & splitscreen multiplayer makes for great father-son time! #
- It's amazing how few games there are like that. #
- "Stay back or the chicken gets it!" "That's a threat?" #namethatmovie #