Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-12-05
- I wince every time I hear the phrase "Math is hard." First of all "math" is too broad a term. Second, it's a weak excuse. #otc #
- I'm not so naive to think everyone has the same math skills — not everyone has the same painting skills — but like "good painting" is hard #
- … good "math" is hard. #
- A flashing green light on a vehicle is an emergency vehicle? In which provinces? #cwd #
- Half-Life: Origins Yes, please. #freemanlives #
- Did you hear @polarisdotca's daughter (@penniesaddup) on @CBCEarlyEdition this morning? No? Check it out: #
- More #drinkingontheradio Play along at home & work! RT @CBCStephenQuinn: Yes, it's Bourbon with Jurgen. On the Coast. 88.1 FM #cbc #
- Do you think the style choices of my eldest have influenced my youngest much? RT @GwenFloyd: Santa Anticipation. #
- Schneider's making $0.9M this year, Luongo's making $6.7M. That's a lot of money to warm the bench. #justsayin #canucks #
- Web news fail. @News1130radio emails alert on BCSC issuing mixed ruling on DUI rules, no details on web. CBC has broken link. CTV has nada. #
- I know, patience, and #firstworldproblem But, blergh. #
- If I'm reading this right, all the gov't has to do to make the BC DUI law constitutional is include some avenue for appeal? Anyone? Bueller? #
- Wow. This song from @EMWmusicgroup was done just using iPad. Amazing! #
- I'm going to hell: I find this "bodies on falling on playgrounds" story the CBC is running awfully amusing. I know it's tragic but REALLY? #
- So, I guess the call I'm expecting from an overseas customer at 6pm isn't happening. Grrr, argh. #
- Serious gas smell at 7th/Blanca as I rode thru 30 min ago. A Fortis truck on hand but no emerg vehicles. Surprised. #yvr #
- Heh, smackdown of health "risks" of "smart meters" on @CBCEarlyEdition. "Wackiest idea I've heard of in a long while" #
- Where football and hockey meet!? #
- I guess Schneider isn't starting the *next* game. 2 shots, 2 goals. #canucks #
- On our way back from the Canucks game. Aidan made it all the way through, and came away with a miniature Zamboni! #
- Ugh, I got a cold overnight. How did that happen!? #
- It's Food Bank Day at @CBCVancouver! It doesn't feel like Christmas until Food Bank Day now. #traditions #
- Wow, just heard @GallaghMargaret singing with The Nightcrawlers on @CBCEarlyEdition for #cbcfoodbankday #cbcopenhouse. Awesome job! #
- Farewell, November. You sucked. #
- For billing purposes, November in fact ended today. #
- That's the kind of ride home I hate. Dark, cold, and road icing to an indeterminate degree. No problems, but nerve-wracking. #bikeyvr #
- Why, hello there. 2:30 am and wide awake. Le sigh. #
- Son #2 has been up and awake since 5:30am. I'm considering demoting him even further. #
- Lots of primping going on in anticipation of @CarouselTheatre's opening of The Wizard of Oz tonight! #
- For some reason @cbcstephenquinn named this guy Matthew Lazin-Moose cc: @lazinrider #
- Mind you, @quinlanfloyd is calling it Matthew Lazin-Moose-Rider. This amuses me. cc: @CBCStephenQuinn cc: @layzinrider #
- Ice on the duck pond. @ Granville Island #
- Rendering video on a dying laptop. Not as much fun, or as fast as it sounds. #