• Full winter riding gear today. Fortunately cold enough that it wasn't slick. Hopefully it stays good and dry tonight! #bikeyvr #
  • Gnarly? :facepalm: FTR the editor put that word in there. Anyway, here's some gift suggestions for cyclists: http://t.co/kRUncFhm @kitsilano #
  • Also, while Monkey Lights are cool, I wouldn't call them a "new dimension". #notusedtosomeoneelsemessingwithmywords #
  • Complicated password requirements + 3 attempt limit = account locked out. I don't think this is really "security". #
  • RT @davidakin: "We are invoking Canada's legal right to formally withdraw from Kyoto" Env Min Peter Kent. #
  • Is it really "withdrawing" from a treaty whose provisions you're not making any effort to meet? Hadn't we effectively withdrawn anyway? #
  • After listening to Olga Ilich On The Coast, it's clear that Vancouver has no vision on how to deal with affordability. @CBCStephenQuinn #
  • She couldn't even define what the City means by affordability, let alone have any concrete concepts on what to do. #otc @CBCStephenQuinn #
  • Frankly I wouldn't have gotten in the car for the public ride with Sly #cwd @worst_andrew #
  • Ha, you can tell how nervous @worst_andrew is by how thick his accent gets. The insurance costs on this show must be incredible. #cwd #
  • The family of one of the Beavers is moving to Toronto b/c it's so expensive here. Vancouver, the exodus of the middle class is underway! #
  • Dear @twitter. If my DMs won't stay marked as read, why even bother with the notification glow? #newnewtwitter #
  • Dear TigerDirect: We wanted to buy 4 UPSes today, but your eStore only let up put 1 in the cart. So, we bought them somewhere else. #fail #
  • Who is this sucking all the angst and energy out of a Nirvana song? #otc @CBCStephenQuinn @lazinryder #
  • Mind you, I can understand all the words. #notnirvana #toriamos #zzzz #otc @CBCStephenQuinn @lazinryder #
  • This discussion about size, and holding it in meaty hands is hilarious. #tablets #unintentionallydirty #otc #
  • Time zones are funny things. It's weird exchanging emails with someone who's living tomorrow morning before I go home today. #
  • Things are going swimmingly. @ Vancouver Aquatic Centre http://t.co/fghm7mOU #
  • Ha, watching A dive into the pool is like watching a cat prepare for a tentative jump. Lots of anticipation, butt wiggling, then JUMP! #
  • New Study Concludes Math Gender Gap Is Cultural, Not Biological: http://t.co/J4ZvFS4h #
  • Hey Tweeps, welcome to #Twitter @scotch_baseball. It's a slippery slope from here… :) #
  • Go easy on @scotch_baseball. He's a good friend from Halifax who is learning the Twitter ropes. Why he's doing this at midnight, I dunno :) #
  • Android peeps, what's the best Twitter app? @EatsShootsEdits? #
  • Ha! Calgary Police Chief: "… We can't fix stupid…" #yyc #
  • Funny. You can't say "Shit" in the House of Commons, but you can lie, deceive, and exhibit contempt without any consequence. #cdnpoli #
  • CPC MP Kent blocks NDP MP from attending conference, then taunts her for not attending. Trudeau calls him a piece of shit. #cdnpoli #
  • Trudeau apologizes, after which Kent demands an apology. Response should have been: Sorry, I was wrong, you're an #asshat #cdnpoli #
  • I'd rather my politicians wear their emotions on their sleeve and swear than lie, deceive, and act like assholes. #cdnpoli #
  • Ugh, busy news day in Vancouver and not in a good way. #shootings #fires #endofdays #
  • .@IanBerg Uh, no. My point is furor over language is silly in face of more offensive behaviour. You made an incredible leap in logic there. #
  • Tonight Q fell asleep in the car. Neither of us could tell if he was pretending or not. #screwed #
  • Argh. Just fell down a Wikipedia rabbit-hole that started with "Stockholm's climate" and went from there. #
  • Strangely busy at the aquatic centre tonight. @vanaqua #
  • iOS version of GTA3 is pretty cool. Works great on the iPhone 4. This is dangerous. #
  • I don't get the new "LEGO for girls". Isn't that just "LEGO"? Why does it need to be made pink and stereotypical? #
  • Although, to be fair, a lot of LEGO is stereotypical "boy", isn't it? Weapons, construction vehicles, and Star Wars. Hmmm. #
  • A loop is a loop is a loop … uhn #
  • Listening to @cbcstephenquinn and @hermida gush about Rush. I may have to unfollow both of them now. Thankfully missed the song. #
  • Bright Lights @ Bright Nights http://t.co/CvNe3Ijz #
  • The Christmas Train @ Bright Nights http://t.co/uum4p7T6 #
  • Kids all lined up as the sax trio plays "We Three Kings" @ Bright Nights http://t.co/R5zHBsyp #
  • Sigh. Penguins on the wrong side of the world. @ Bright Nights http://t.co/BoQFTQ2w #
  • Oh God, child. Sleeping in doesn't mean 5:45am. Nor does it mean 6 am. Just once I'd like you to stay in bed past 7am. #
  • Argh. Both boys up before 6:30 on a Saturday!? Seriously!? #
  • After a few months without any problems, for the 3rd day this week our Shaw Gateway is borked. Grrrr, adding to v. frustrating day #
  • Game day! #carcassonne http://t.co/BF6RbHKm #
  • Just had awesome support from Shaw's Gateway support team. Thanks, Will. All fixed up now. #
  • Urban sprawl. #carcassonne http://t.co/aVygZVoD #
  • In the history of the world, I don't know if there's ever been this amount of anticipation for decorating a Chris http://t.co/w8TNVRDO #
  • Aidan decided to make a new ornament for the tree. He might be a bit brainwashed @cbcvancouver http://t.co/VBcLhxu6 #
  • Today's Advent calendar item is a robber with two crowbars. Merry Christmas! http://t.co/DbglniG6 #
  • Asshat stopped beneath no-stopping sign in bike lane, going on 5+ mins tag VE7EVO #bikeyvr http://t.co/D5pmyHgY #
  • Update to asshat. Someone (able bodied) just came out of the grocery store and loaded groceries in. That boils my blood. #
  • Wondering what the death of Kim Jong Il means for N Korea. More of the same, or the start of a shift? #
  • Wait, train rides can be so tiring that they can kill you? #
  • Of course, he was Il for a long time, so death by long train ride shouldn't be unexpected. #
  • 2011 has been a tough year for dictators and supreme leaders. @pmharper must be getting nervous. #cdnpoli #
  • Even the fields needed to be "guided"? RT @mpoppel: North Korean gov't says Kim Jong-il died on a train during a field guidance tour #
  • As a testament to how unwell I'm feeling, I'm drinking ginger ale. And avoiding long train rides. #