geocaching.gif14 degrees and sunny. Ah, February in Vancouver. Amidst the gloom and rain, it always seems we get one week of sunshine in February. So, we did what any sensible family does, we went out and enjoyed it … by doing some geocaching!

We grabbed a few from UBC campus (True North, Strong and Free, and The Whaler’s Pole) and then headed down to the foreshore…

Here are a few from a cache appropriate called Strait of Georgia View:



And these were all taken from a cache called “Acadia Beach” (sadly many klicks away from Acadia)


Gwen tries to hide from muggles while putting the cache back:


More from the beach:



And yesterday I managed to squeeze in a “nemesis” cache: Top Arch. You might get a kick out of my original DNF log and the final find log.

And, oh!  Our 7th placed cache (replacing a cache we had adopted): Rock One Hundred.